New Release By Rennie St. James: Pink Morning

Available on Amazon.

✅ Magical dystopia

✅ Witches

✅ Romantic subplot

✅ FMC is a teacher/ bookworm


History is written by the victors, and their lies could burn Concordea to the ground.

Kirsi is preparing her students for testing, but they are fascinated by only one subject – the powerful Renderes who rebuilt their city-state after a century of suffering and devastation. The legendary heroes were executed by Rebels after the Revolution. Those same Rebels remain in control of Concordea…and school testing.

Mason knows the deadly truth not shared in the history books. Without the guidance of a Muse, Renderes burn too hot. Magical fire has taken lives before, and the danger is heating up again.

When one of her students disappears, it is Kirsi who will be tested. The teacher will be forced to confront the hidden reality of her world and she’ll need Mason’s help to survive the experience.

Can a teacher learn enough magic to save her students?

About The Author

Rennie St. James shares several similarities with her fictional characters (heroes and villains alike) including a love of chocolate, horror movies, martial arts, yoga, and travel.

She doesn’t have a pet mountain lion but is proudly owned by three rescue kitties. They live in relative harmony in beautiful southwestern Virginia (United States).

In 2023, her first series, the Rahki Chronicles, will be re-released as Amazon exclusive available in KU.

Rennie’s completed Guardian trilogy is also available in KU as part Fred Shernoff’s Atlantic Island Universe.

Please join Rennie on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram as she loves to interact with fellow bookworms and authors.

The Rahki Chronicles

Azimuth (#1)

Coppe (#2)

Lamassu (#3)

Nadya’s World (#3.5)

Mercury (#4)

Yen (#5)

Zanhin (#6)

Atlantic Island: Guardian Trilogy

Jaguar Warrior (Book 1)

Place of Fear (Book 2)

Blood of Trees (Book 3)

Visit for additional information.

Interview With Author Melissa Rousu

By way of introduction, here is Melissa Rousu’s bio:

Melissa Rousu lives in Minnesota with her husband Mike and daughter Samantha.

Rousu is the director of Strategic Initiatives at the Minnesota State IT Center of Excellence during the day and is excited for the launch of her debut children’s book Grandpa Loved Wild Things.

Hello, Melissa , welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you so much for having me.

When did the writing bug ensnare you?

It’s always been something that has interested me but I never knew what I wanted to write about.

Is writing your full-time profession?

No, I wish. I am the Director of Strategic Initiatives at the MN State IT Center of Excellence.

How long have you been writing?

This is my debut book so I have only been writing for a year.

Which genre do you write?

I write children’s books.

What do you find most challenging writing for this genre?

I think the most challenging part is writing in a way that is suitable for young children but still being true to the story you want to tell.

What are you working on now?

I am working on my next book in this series Grandpa Loved the Farm.

It will be about my husband’s grandfather and the amazing things he taught us about farm life.

Image courtesy of Melissa Rouso.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

The inspiration for this book is my real life. I wrote this book about my grandfather who help heal injured birds when I was young.

So when we came to visit you never knew which animal you would find. It was amazing to be a part of bird releases.

He loved to share his passion for nature and those that live in it with us and I wanted to continue his legacy by teaching others. 

What is your favorite book review from a reader?

The ones that mean the most have been from those who knew him and talk about the memories this book brought back for them. 

Can you share a random interesting fact about yourself?

I have a Doctorate degree in Education.

Wow! Congratulations!

What spark started one of your stories?

It really was to honor my grandfather. We have a lot of babies being born in my family and they will never have a chance to know him.

My brother and I are the oldest of 16 grandkids and we were the only ones to have these experiences with him so it was important for me to capture these memories for my family. 

Image courtesy of Melissa Rouso.

What is one of your favorite scenes that you’ve written? Why?

In this book there is a scene where grandpa is sharing facts about cardinals and the kids ignore him because they are too focused on their phones.

While, obviously, we didn’t have cell phones when I was growing up in the early 90’s, the point of the scene was to show how wrapped up we all get in technology that we miss the important moments that are happening right in front of us and those moments are finite.

I hope it is a scene that gets parents to think a bit about making memories and seizing those moments. 

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

Hearing all the stories from those who knew him. He lived in a small town in southern Minnesota and was integral in the creation of their local bird club as well as birding along the Mississippi river, so there have been so many memories and stories shared of his impact on others.

I added a page of photos of my grandpa at the end of the book so people can see he is a real person and they show images from his time with the birds. I felt it was important for people to see that these are real stories. 

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

Do it. It’s been a learning experience but I have been lucky enough to find an amazing community on facebook that has been so supportive and has provided and immense amount of feedback and advice. 

 Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

This was truly a passion project. I want to write books that mean something to me and are about people who mean something to me. 

 What message are you sharing in your books?

I want people to see how wrapped up we all get in technology that we miss the important moments that are happening right in front of us and those moments are finite.

I hope it is a scene that gets parents to think a bit about making memories and seizing those moments.

When you’re not writing, where can we find you?

I am usually with my 16 year-old daughter hammocking in Twin Cities area of Minnesota or at my parents in southern Minnesota. 

What are your most effective marketing strategies?

So far it has been word of mouth and just hustling on social media. 

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?

Tiktok: @melissarousuauthor

Where can we find your books?

My books are currently sold on Amazon and some local shops in Minnesota. 

Thank you, Melissa, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck.

Available on Amazon

Grandpa Bill had a deep love and understanding of wild things. He shared this love with his grandchildren, showing them the wonders of nature and the creatures that inhabit it.

Grandpa Loved Wild Things is a heartwarming children’s book about the bond between a grandfather and his grandchildren, and the wisdom and love for nature that he imparts to them.

Better Education Through Gaming By Chris Mason

About the Book:

Better Education Through Gaming is a guide created to reinforce educational concepts students learn in the classroom and homeschooling settings.

The guide helps students develop critical thinking skills while using traditional and unorthodox educational computer games.

Are you worried that your student lacks the necessary critical thinking skills to navigate this ever changing world?

Is it getting harder to get and keep a student’s attention long enough to retain the information being taught?

Would you as a parent or teacher like to make the educational process more enjoyable and fun while still making sure key points in curriculum in the various subject areas are still being covered?

If you dear reader say yes to any of this questions then Better Education Through Gaming: A Guide to Games that Enrich, Instruct and Reinforce Educational Concepts might just be the book you’re looking for.

Better Education Through Gaming: Subjects covered include: art, computer programming, mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies.

This book is meant for students in grades four through high school.

Games in Better Education Through Gaming range from classics including The Oregon Trail developed by M.E.C.C. and Carmen Sandiego to modern classics such as A Hand With Many Fingers and The Occupation.

Most games in Better Education Through Gaming have been paired together with various complimentary subject areas.

So what are you waiting for let’s get gaming!

About The Author:

You can find Chris online at:

Twitter: @TruckerTablet
Facebook: Facebook profile

Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 6

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Hey Trivia Players!

Answer to yesterday’s question: Three Amusement Piers.

Image courtesy of Aneese from Getty Images via

Kamyla and I hope you had as much fun as we did playing the game.

Thank you for joining us on our road trip and playing along. The winners will be notified of their prizes once we get home!

Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 5

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Hey Trivia Players!

Answer to yesterday’s question: Wildwood Days!

New Jersey Fun Facts!

Bobby Rydell Wildwood Days on Youtube

The prize of the day is:

Teddy Bear Action Rhyme

Trivia Question Number 5:

How many amusement piers does Wildwood Boardwalk have?

(Please leave a reply at )

Check back tomorrow for day 5’s answer and the conclusion of the game.

Good Luck!

Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 4

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Hey Trivia Players!

Answer to yesterday’s question: Did you guess, “Watch the Tramcar please?” Great!

The prize of the day is:

Autographed copy of Teddy Bear Tea & Mystery SWAG!

Trivia Question Number 4:

What is the name of Bobby Rydell’s hit 1963 song? 

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Check back tomorrow for day 4’s answer and the next question.

Good Luck!

Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 3

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Hey Trivia Players!

Answer to yesterday’s question: Yep! You got it. Jeep Invasion happens in Wildwood, NJ!

We’re having so much fun playing this game. We hope you are too.

During the rest of our trip to Jeep Invasion, I’ll post a trivia question about Wildwood.

Image courtesy of dimitrisvetsikas1969 via Pixabay.

The prize up for grabs today is:

Kamyla Chung and the Classroom Bully & Mystery SWAG!

Trivia Question Number 3:

What is the Sightseer Tramcar famous for saying to people on the boardwalk?

(Please leave a reply at

Check back tomorrow for Day 3’s answer and the next question.

Good Luck!