Nicole Kaderbek is an avid book reader and book blogger. Her journey into book reviewing began in 2014 when she started SnoopyDoo’s Book Reviews.
Nicole participates in all things bookish: blog tours, giveaways, book hauls, and monthly round-ups. She lives in South Dakota with her family.
Now that I’ve introduced you to Nicole, let’s get to know her a little better.

Hello, Nicole, welcome to Angel Kiss Publications.
Thank you so, so much for having me.
What inspired you to be a blogger?
Oddly enough, a book. I read a series with a book blogger/vlogger and started to look into it more. I discovered a whole new world.

Can you tell us a little about SnoopyDoo’s Book Reviews?
Not much to tell. Hopefully a fun place to discover new reads, meet some new people.
Is blogging your full-time profession?
Oh. No, no. Just a hobby that I do in my spare time.
How long have you been blogging?
I actually had to look that up. And wow, it’s been 5 years now. I started over on Booklikes, in April 2014 and made my own site in October that same year. I took some time off from my site last year; I started to miss it and came back to it just more relaxed this time around.
How many books have you reviewed?
According to Goodreads, 437 books, that would be all the books in the last five years. I never really reviewed before I started this adventure.
Which genres do you review?
I give anything a try, though there are a few that I will skip. I try to stay away from anything religious, political, real crime and any and all nonfiction.
Also Novellas and Anthologies are not really my thing. Other than that, I most likely will give it a try.
What do you find most challenging reviewing for these genres?
Reviewing in general can be challenging for me sometimes. I want to make sure I do the book and author justice, get my honest opinion out there.
Also reviewing can be tiring if you have too many review books in a row or at the same time. Making sure not to burn out fast is a challenge. You must learn when to take a break. That’s a really important lesson I learned over the years.
What are you reviewing now?
I always review all books, whether they are “review” books from authors or publishers, or my own books from my never ending TBR ( To Be Read)pile. Spring and Fall are always busy with review copies and I tend to read 2-3 books at once.
Right now on Audio I’m listening to Summer Knight (The Dresden Files, #4) by Jim Butcher. As a “fun” read I’m working on Ruin and Rising (The Grisha, #3) by Leigh Bardugo and as a review copy from an author I’m reading Council of Souls (Fated Eternals #2) by Jen Print.y
What has been your most rewarding experience since you started blogging?
Oh, all the wonderful people I’ve met along the way; readers and authors alike. Some even became very close friends of mine. But also the books I discovered through it, some of them I would have never read otherwise and missed out on.
What advice would you give to bloggers just starting out?
Hmmm, not really sure. Most important, do it because it’s fun and you love books and reading. Be open to new genres, some might surprise you.
Be friendly to your readers, authors and other reviewers and remember not everyone has the same taste, you might love something, others don’t and vice versawhich is totally fine.
Don’t be afraid to write a negative review or give a low rating, as long you make sure you’re respectful about it. Don’t trash the author or book because you didn’t like it.
Be direct but respectful, regardless if you like it or not the author worked hard on that book. Or just post a rating in and leave it at that.
If they asked you for a review, give them a heads up that it wasn’t for you and you’ll just rate it. Whatever works best for you as long you all treat others with respect.
Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?
No. Not really….I’m pretty boring, when it comes down to it (laughs).
What message are you sharing in your blog?
*laughs* I don’t know. Maybe read more and buy and win more books?!
What do you think makes a good story?
I think that is different for everyone, but I honestly think if it is written well and engaging than anything can make a good story.
What is your rating scale and what does each score mean?
I normally go from 0.5 all the way to 5 using the half points. How I rate each book depends on a few factors I guess. But of course the higher the rating the better the book (for me) is.
What criteria do you follow for a review?
Oohh that is a tough one and more complicated but mostly whether or not I enjoyed the book. Also if something in the story seems natural or too forced to fit into the overall story arc. The same with characters. But in the end it depends on the overall book and writing.
What are your favorite books/authors?
Oh man another hard question, I have many favorite authors.
Ilona Andrews, Cindi Madsen, Darynda Jones, Cassandra Clare, to name a few, but the list is endless.
What are your favorite movies, TV shows?
Any of the Marvels movies are on my top list for movies, and no I haven’t watched Endagme yet, but hoping to see it soon so I can avoid spoilers.
TV Shows…. Also have many of them, but number one is Supernatural. Shadowhunters is on the list too but sadly the series finale will be next week.
My guilty pleasure show most likely would be Vampire Diaries which is one show I can watch over and over. Also any DC or Arrow-verse show on the CW, but I always wait until they hit Netflix and then binge them throughout the summer.
When you’re not blogging where can we find you?
Home hanging with the family, reading, watching TV or gaming. Like I said, pretty boring.
How can an author have their book reviewed by you?
Go through my site, or email me (snoopydoo77@yahoo.com) I should get back to you soon (given I’m not busy) and we can discuss the review and when and where and even if it is something I review.
Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?
Yes. I have a website, and twitter, Facebook as well Bookbub and other social media sites.
You can also find me on Goodreads if you’re only interested in reviews.
Here are all my links
Website *** Facebook *** Twitter *** BookBub *** Goodreads *** Booklikes*** Pinterest