Just in time for after school activities and fun, the second coloring and activity book in the Bella and Friends Learning Series is here! “Counting and Math with Pasta and Meatballs PLUS Coloring and Activity Fun!” is now live and available on Amazon! Click here to learn more!
The Bella and Friends Learning Series is inspired by the books in the Bella and Mia Adventure Series, where the use of rhymes and recipes promote fun activities with parent and child. Now it’s time for more interactive and educational fun with counting and beginner Math using pasta and meatballs! Understanding numbers is important for young math learners as it promotes confidence and encourages flexible thinking.
This fun coloring and activity book contains a wide range of activities to keep kids busy for hours including:
- Learning About Different Kinds of Pasta
- Counting Using Different Kinds of Pasta
- Counting Using Spaghetti and Meatballs
- Counting and Matching with Pasta
- Beginner Math: Adding with Pasta
- Beginner Math: Subtracting with Pasta
- Count, Write and Compare Meatballs
- Practice Addition with Meatballs
- Practice Subtraction with Meatballs
- Seek ‘n Find
- Spot the Difference
- Find the Pasta and Meatballs Maze
- Fun Coloring Pages Throughout!
In case you missed it, the first coloring and activity book, ABC Letter Tracing PLUS Coloring and Activity Fun was released earlier this year, in March, 2020. Click here to learn more!
What’s coming next in 2020:
The third coloring and activity book, “Candy Canes, Snowflakes and Gingerbread Houses PLUS Coloring and Activity Fun!” is coming soon before the holidays.
About The Author

Amelia Griggs is a Writer, Instructional Designer, eLearning Developer and Authopreneur. Her background is IT support and training in the corporate setting. In addition to being a tech-geek and always wanting to troubleshoot and figure out anything you want to know about computers, she enjoys researching, designing, and developing all kinds of educational materials, and writing instructional articles.
She has always loved to write. Even as a child, she loved composing stories and drawing pictures. She started out writing training manuals, but over the years, she wanted to get more creative, so after working in IT for 15 years, she went to grad school to study Instructional Design and Technology.
She fell in love with the creative process of designing training programs, developing online courses, and incorporating animation. She also discovered another untapped interest: writing and self-publishing.
For years, she focused on “technical” writing and designing but something was missing. Her creative juices continued to flow as she discovered yet another passion: composing short stories, and more recently, writing children’s books. This allowed her to harness her love of rhyming.
Do you love to read? Do you love to write? Either way, you have something in common with Amelia. If you’re thinking of writing a book and need help with the process of writing, self-publishing and marketing, her next book series will be devoted to helping others pursue their dream of writing and self-publishing a book.
Here’s a list of her websites for reference:
* Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/ameliagriggs
* Computer learning website: http://easylearningweb.com
* YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/easylearningweb
* Online articles: http://easylearningweb.hubpages.com/
* Tech Tips Blog: http://easylearningweb.blogspot.com/
* Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/easylearningweb
* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ameliagwrites/
* Amelia’s Writing Corner Blog: https://ameliaswritingcorner.com/