Kamyla Chung’s 2nd Trip Giveaway Day 1

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Hey Trivia Players!

Kamyla and I are on our way and ready to play. Are you ready for the first question in Kamyla’s 2nd Trip Giveaway?

This is the PRIZE up for grabs today:

A Free Classroom or Library Visit (Virtual or In Person)

Trivia Question Number 1:

Which state was third to ratify the United States Constitution?

(Please leave a reply at ellwyn@ellwynautumn.com.)

Check back tomorrow for Day 1’s answer and the next question.

Good luck!

Author: Ellwyn

I live with my loving husband, two children and dog in Philadelphia, PA. I discovered my passion for writing in second grade when I had to write a book report for school. I was so excited to write the report, until my mother told me that I had to write about someone else's book and not my own story. I became indignant and decided that once I finished the book report I would most certainly write my own original story. I have been writing ever since! My self-published book Chris Kringle's Cops was a Finalist in The Reader's Favorite Book Contest for 2016. I am so happy to share this story with you.  My picture book Kamyla Chung and the Creepy Crawlies was given a 5 Star rating by Reader's Favorite Book Reviews in 2017.