Legendary Tales Book 1
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Since the beginning of time, one kingdom in the world of Tarzinëa has remained a mystery. Very few have entered its depths and survived. Walk alongside our heroes and watch their tales unfold as they enter the Forest of Ferrês. Discover everything from wolves so large they look like full grown ponies, to devil creatures that lurk in the night. Expect the unexpected as you venture into the magical land of Ferrês where not everything is as it seems.
Favorite Retail Store: https://books2read.com/tofbundlebook1
Email: authorkmjenkins@gmail.com
Website: https://authorkmjenkins.com

Author Bio:
K.M. Jenkins is a published best-selling author that writes epic battles, forbidden romance, and tales of fantasy and adventure. She has a big love for the fantasy genre and loves dragons above all creatures.When she is not writing, you will find her running her business as a cover artist at KJ Magical Designs, LLC and chasing her twin boys around the house. Between the three she has epic battles throughout the day and nothing ever gets boring.
Where to Stalk K.M. Jenkins:
Website – https://authorkmjenkins.com
Blog – https://authorkmjenkins.com/blog/
FB – https://www.facebook.com/authorkmjenkins
Street Team – https://www.facebook.com/groups/kmstreetteam
Twitter – https://twitter.com/authorkmjenkins
Dragon Ryder VIP Readers List – https://www.subscribepage.com/y2i1x7
Author Sites:
AllAuthors – https://allauthor.com/author/kmjenkins/
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/K.M.-Jenkins/e/B07GDSWDK7
BookBub – https://www.bookbub.com/profile/k-m-jenkins
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18283505.K_M_Jenkins

- I am the proud mother of twin boys. They were born in June 2017, and are a big handful.
- Besides being a published author I also run my own cover design business, KJ Magical Designs.
- The first book I read with dragons was Elizabeth Kerner’s “Song in the Silence”. This book is what sparked my love for dragons.
- I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design and a minor in Mass Communications.
- I have lived in Sioux City, Iowa my entire life minus two years over in Lucas, Iowa. My dream place to live would be Tennessee or Utah.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in the small city of Sioux City, Iowa. There is a lot to desire around here and things got boring fast when I was a kid. Now my time is split between being a stay at home mom two twin boys, writing and author engagements, and running my cover design business.
Boredom is what led me to reading books and taking enlightenment in the fantasy stories other authors created. This is strongly the reason behind my own works. I want to create worlds that keep you wanting more, since life can be a major disappointment at times.
When did you first start writing?
When did I start writing? That’s a hard one. I remember in elementary school writing long stories for class assignments, my favorite ones to write were Halloween tales. After, years of practice I would scribble in notebooks, but never thought to be an actual author. My journey has been a long one within the writing world, I just didn’t realize I was a part of it most the time.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I’m a big reader myself. I love being sucked into the worlds authors make and enjoy getting to know their characters. In ways the characters become real people and I find more pleasure walking with them on their journey, rather than with real people. I took refuge in books throughout my adolescents and want to bring that to my readers. When they have a bad day I want them to be brightened by my books or find an escape route from their problems.
Who are your favorite authors?
Oh, I have several favorite authors. There are several that stand out amongst the rests. My top three favorite traditional published authors would have to be Elizabeth Kerner, Mercedes Lackey, and Kristen Britain. I fell in love with Elizabeth Kerner’s “Song in the Silence” back when I was in middle school. I have read it a few dozen times and will never grow bored of her work. Mercedes Lackey and Kristen Britain I fell in love with in middle school also. I have followed their books till this very day and enjoy them immensely.
When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
When I am not writing you will find me chasing my two toddlers around the house knee deep in diapers. But, on many occasions you will see me design covers, promotional materials or just hanging out with the family. Work is important but I do make it a practice to keep as much family time reserved for the weekends.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
I find ebooks everywhere to read. The wonders of being an author and doing Facebook take-over events can end with my ebook splitting from the seams. Another, resource is my monthly promo events I do along with newsletter swaps. I found several awesome books that hooked me for the entire series through swapping with an author. You will have to keep your eye peeled for the promo events I participate in, their are plenty of times there are over 100+ authors participating. Talk about free books right.
What is your writing process?
My writing process is half in–half out. I do a rough of my outline trying to get things set up the way the story should go, however it never turns out that way. The characters in my books have minds of their own and sometimes they just pop into stories without me wanting them there. So, I just like to make a road map to give direction, while I understand at some point my characters will drive us into a ditch, over a cliff, and into the woods to some magical road.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Right now I do most of my reading from my laptop or cell phone. These devices are always handy and I have easy access too. However, I do plan to get a device strictly for reading, was leaning towards a Kobo reader. But, might change my mind it does that a lot.
Describe your desk.
I don’t have one. If I want to use my computer I have to barricade myself on the love-seat. When I say barricade I mean it, I literally have to take our coffee table push it up against the front of the love-seat and have my legs sit on it. Then I use one of the furniture pillows for my laptop to sit on. Why do I write like this? The boys are monsters or think they are soldiers fighting a dragon. Who is the dragon, you ask? My laptop, I’m afraid. So, to protect the expensive device I bend over backwards trying to keep them away from it. Don’t want to even think about how many times they got a toy and thought “hey, brother let’s smash it.”
What is your favorite creature to write about?
I love all fantasy creatures but my top pick will always be dragons. Dragons and dragon riders have always been a big interest of mine. This is why I when you walk into my house you will see collectible dragon figures, swords, books on dragons, books with dragons in them and so much more. I love other creatures just as much like fairies, but I didn’t build a saga of books around them now did I?