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Read Across America Day
Photo by Noel Cedric Harrison
How did you spend Read Across America Day?
As a former Pre-K Head Start/Kindergarten teacher, I know how much excitement Dr. Seuss’ birthday brings to schools across the country. The stories, the crafts and the other creative activities make it a memorable day for students and teachers alike.
Today I spent the morning at Crossan Elementary in Philadelphia, PA. I read Kamyla Chung and the Creepy-Crawlies to 2nd and 3rd graders. They were a wonderful audience.
After the reading, the children asked me so many insightful questions. Many of them are also composing their own original stories and were eager to share their ideas with me.
Lots of creativity among our young learners! Thank you, Crossan Elementary for inviting me to participate in your Dr. Seuss Celebration!
See you soon!
Author: Ellwyn
I live with my loving husband, two children and dog in Philadelphia, PA. I discovered my passion for writing in second grade when I had to write a book report for school. I was so excited to write the report, until my mother told me that I had to write about someone else's book and not my own story. I became indignant and decided that once I finished the book report I would most certainly write my own original story. I have been writing ever since!
My self-published book Chris Kringle's Cops was a Finalist in The Reader's Favorite Book Contest for 2016. I am so happy to share this story with you.
My picture book Kamyla Chung and the Creepy Crawlies was given a 5 Star rating by Reader's Favorite Book Reviews in 2017.
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