Ellwyn’s Blog

Interview With Author Dineen Miller

By way of introduction, here is Dineen Miller’s bio:

Dineen Miller is an Amazon best-selling and award-winning author who loves to write books that make her readers laugh, swoon, and fall in love.

She’s also designed several coloring books under her name and her pen name, Hue Manatee Art, and her love for crochet has resulted in too many afghans to count.

She’s a dog-mom to two furry rescues who answer to wiggle butt and snuggle boy unless there’s food involved, and she’s married to a punny guy, who thinks she’s unique.

Hello, Dineen, welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you so much for having me.

When did the writing bug ensnare you? 

I started writing short stories as a child and continued to do so through adulthood, but they were just for me.

Then when we moved back to the States (we lived in Switzerland for a short time), I wanted to do some kind of work from home so I could be home for my daughters.

I saw an ad calling for book writers in the back of a quilting magazine, so I sent away for the information packet.

At that point, a story started brewing in my head, so I started writing whenever I had some free time.

Then the packet arrived, and I realized they wanted craft books.I’d written the wrong book!

But I was hooked and finished the story. That was back in 2004, and I’ve been writing books ever since.

Is writing your full-time profession? 

As of this year, yes, I’m writing full time. I’m slowly retiring my design business (I’ve done cover design and graphics for the publishing industry since 2004), so I’m excited to focus more on writing books.

How long have you been writing? 

Technically since the fourth grade, but I started pursuing publication in 2004.

Have you won any literary awards? 

I have! In 2013, I won the ACFW Carol Award for my book, The Soul Saver

How many published books have you written? 

Counting nonfiction and coloring books, I’m at 21 books to date.

Which genres do you write?

Although I’ve written romantic suspense and thrillers in the past, I’m only writing romantic comedy now.

It’s a very different genre and voice, and I absolutely love it. I feel like I’ve finally found my true voice.

What do you find most challenging writing for these genres? 

I think figuring out in the early stages which tropes I want to use to propel the story. All part of developing the characters too.

What are you working on now?

I’m in the early stages of planning a spin off series from my Messy Love on Mango Lane Series. This one will be about a hockey team. I’m having a blast working on it!

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

Mostly I use the Enneagram to plan and figure out what makes my characters tick. It’s so helpful!

Just reading about the nine personality types gives me ideas for scenes, conflict, and tension. Sometimes characteristics from a favorite TV series or movie can give me ideas as well.

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work? 

Most recently, seeing Bookstagrammers chatting about my books to each other.

That is an incredible community of amazing readers, so that was one of my little dreams coming true.

But when I hear how something in one of my books touched a reader in some way, brought some insight or comfort, that’s huge in my mind. Also, very humbling. 

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

Your author career can look however you want it to. I could easily work twenty four hours a day, trying to do ALL the things.

But I’ve learned from some great people out there that I don’t have to do all the things. That I’m better off not trying to do them all because I’ll burn myself out.

It’s a lot of work being an author, whether you’re traditionally or indie published. We have to do a lot of our own marketing.

So making intentional choices about our commitments and being sure to include self-care are vital not only to success but to endurance as well.

Otherwise, we’re like a fast-burning candle whose light in this world will flicker out too quickly.

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

I have naturally curly hair, I speak German (kind of), and I love being silly and sarcastic. LOL!

What message are you sharing in your books?

Love is the most powerful force on earth especially when mixed with kindness and forgiveness.

What are your favorite books?

I love romcoms! I read one or two a week. But I’m not one to read a book twice, so my favorites change all the time.

Who has influenced your writing the most?

I don’t think on person in particular has. Looking back, I can recall different people who have been the right person at the right time in helping me overcome a challenge or jump the next hurdle. And I’m so grateful for every one of them. 

When you’re not writing where can we find you?

Binge watching a TV show while I crochet, watching a hockey game (Stanley Cup Finals!), walking the beach, or floating in my little pool. 

A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie? 

Hmm, for Tamed to Be Messy, I think I could do a pretty good job playing Hannah’s mother since I have curly hair!

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do? 

Give him a wide birth? 🤣 Germafobe here!

What are your most effective marketing strategies?

My newsletter, promo stacks, and Amazon Ads.

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?

I love connecting through my newsletter (http://subscribepage.io/iJNUnC) and on Instagram (@authordineenmiller). Come find me!

Website: https://www.dineenmiller.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/authordineenmiller/

FB Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/DineenMiller.AuthorGraphicDesigner

Facebook Reader Group (join the fun!): https://www.facebook.com/groups/338189318445452

Where can we find your books?

http://www.amazon.com/author/dineenmiller (Follow me!😍)

Thank you, Dineen, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck.

Available on Amazon

He’s always played the field. But when an off-limits beauty is running his rehab, will this injured beach patrol hero flee or swim to friendly shores?

My life used to have meaning. Born with a silver spoon in my mouth I quickly spat out, I defied my parents, dropped out of law school, and became a lifeguard.

What can I say? I love the surf, the sand, and helping others.

But that was before the accident.

My rotator cuff is torn so badly I may have to quit the career that gives me so much joy.

I’ve got a grueling rehabilitation ahead of me with no guarantee it will be successful. Good thing my physical therapist is amazing.

Not only has she promised me a return to full range of motion, she’s easy on the eyes, making the painful exercises worth it. There’s just one problem:

She’s my best friend’s kid sister.

New Release: Stout of My League

Title: Stout of My League

Series: Love on Tap

# in Series: 4 (final book)

Author: Sylvie Stewart

Genres: RomCom, Sports Romance, Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance

Release Date: June 6, 2024

Links (Kindle Unlimited):

UBL: https://geni.us/league

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRJX7WPV

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CRJX7WPV

Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CRJX7WPV

Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CRJX7WPV

BookBub link: https://www.bookbub.com/books/stout-of-my-league-love-on-tap-book-4-by-sylvie-stewart

Goodreads link: 



As the younger sister of four older brothers, Lynn Brooks has had enough with bossy alphas. So, when professional baseball star Joey Martel makes a play for her, she’s determined to steer clear of him and his toxic circle of jocks. Being the latest conquest for another overbearing caveman? No thanks.


Lynn Brooks is officially over it.

With four overprotective brothers, the youngest Brooks sibling has had enough with bossy alphas. So, when professional baseball star Joey Martel makes a play for her, she’s determined to steer clear of him and his toxic circle of jocks. Being the latest conquest for another overbearing caveman? No thanks.

Fate hasn’t gotten Lynn’s memo, though, because Joey just showed up on her treatment table with an injury that has him fearing for the state of his career. Add to that the trouble brewing once again for the Brooks family, and she might be stuck with not only a new patient but an unwelcome bodyguard.

But would it really be that bad to allow the guy who fills out his uniform pants better than anyone to tag along on her mission to save the day? If anything, it might prove what she’s known all along—that Joey is absolutely not her type, and he’s never going to win this game. Nope.

While Stout of My League can be enjoyed as a standalone, there are spoilers from books 1-3 contained within. For the optimal reading experience, start with book 1 of the Love on Tap series, Ale’s Fair in Love and War.


⚾ Pro baseball player

🚫 Forbidden romance

🛏️ Only one bed

🏡 Small town

🍩 Cinnamon roll hero

🤪 Family hijinks

😍 So much pining!

👣 And did we mention Big Foot?

#baseballromance #steamyromcom #forbidden #smalltownromance

About The Author


USA Today bestselling author

Amazon Top 100 author

Award-winning author


USA Today bestselling author Sylvie Stewart loves dad jokes, dirty rom-coms, country music, and baby skunks—preferably all at the same time.

Most of her steamy contemporary and romantic comedy novels are set across her favorite state of North Carolina, and her characters never run out of snarky banter or snacks.

When her laptop closes, Sylvie is a sucker for hugs from her twin boys and a good laugh with her hot-nerd hubby.

If you love smart Southern gals, hot blue-collar guys, and snort-laughing with characters who feel like your best friends, Sylvie’s your gal. 

Stay up to date on all things romance! https://sylviestewartauthor.com

Social Media:

Website: https://sylviestewartauthor.com

Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/SylvieStewartAuthor

Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/SylviesSpot

Instagram: https://instagram.com/sylviestewartauthor

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/sylvie_stewart_

BookBub Author Page: https://bookbub.com/authors/sylvie-stewart

Goodreads Author Page: https://goodreads.com/author/show/15303783.Sylvie_Stewart

VIP Newsletter: http://bit.ly/s-s-nl

Descendants Series Tour and Giveaway

by Destiny Hawkins 

Genre: New Adult Dark Dystopian Fantasy, SciFi

Gone. One minute Tristan was here, and the next he wasn’t. 

Only two days ago, we watched the two moons rise, and it was only two days ago when we almost kissed. But this morning, he was taken away from me, and I will never see him again. 

Once a student was made into a slave, it was forbidden for them to ever see their friends or family again, and that was exactly what Tristan was going to be transitioned into in only a few hours. They were going to strip him of his rank, disregard that he was born into the vex class, and put a collar around his neck that could kill him with the push of a button. 

This morning, two officers marched into Tristan’s dorm and dragged him out. I stood there, shocked, as he kicked and screamed, begging for a second chance. He was a level five vex, which would have been alright if he hadn’t turned twenty today. 

At the age of twenty, a student of Monroe Academy was to be tested on their lighter abilities and hopefully advance up to level six. Ever since Tristan was enrolled ten years ago, he’d never had trouble leveling up, but this time he struggled to get his powers to strengthen. This time, the council didn’t believe him strong enough to earn a level six patch, and now he had to serve his nation in another way. He had to serve the high-class vexes and ensure their happiness. The happier the people, the lower the chances of there ever being chaos in our world again. 

At least, that’s what we were taught. 

The navy-blue leather suit I was wearing grew hot as I walked down the hall towards my dorm. All I could think about was the terrified look on Tristan’s face as he was dragged away. 

We had only made eye contact for a moment, but in that moment, I remembered the night he told me that the council had leveled him up and were going to send his new level six patch to his dorm. They usually gave them out right away, but Tristan said that they’d somehow run out and had to order more. 

Now I knew that he was only lying to keep me from worrying on our last night together, but I wished that he would’ve told me. I wished that I would’ve been prepared for the aching pain growing in my chest. 

My throat burned as a few of the other students passed me by, giving me dirty looks. I was sure that most of them had blamed me for Tristan’s failure. I was a null after all. Someone that couldn’t produce even a speck of light. We were lighters, citizens of the Lighter Nation and beings that could produce an energy—a light—that was taught to be used as a weapon to protect our nation from any outside enemies. Lighters had to be strong, disciplined, and hard workers. 

If one couldn’t reach their required level at a certain age, then they were done for. Given up on, and there were no second chances. At least, for everyone else. I was the only student ever given another opportunity to level up, but that came at a cost that would forever weigh on my conscience. 

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the first installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn’t accept the weak…or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised. 

Amazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo * Smashwords * Books2Read * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M5I53AJ

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-descendants/id6475008181

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-descendants-destiny-hawkins/1132381759?ean=2940179130369

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-descendants-11

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1496782

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/bz62k9

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-descendants-the-descendants-series-1-by-destiny-hawkins

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58509599-the-descendants

Kaydar, Cleo, and Sandra were too close to escape from now, and even if I ran, Sandra would just catch me. 

“Long time, no see,” Cleo said, holding his palm upwards with white sparks flickering at his fingertips. “Last time I saw you, your face was swollen.”

I didn’t respond, instead keeping my eyes on their ringleader, Kaydar. He stopped in front of me with a blank expression still on his face, but after a few moments of silence, he drew his eyebrows in together. 

“What shall we do with her, Kaydar?” Cleo asked. “She’s all alone.”

“Nothing,” Kaydar sighed, flaring his nose. “Unless you want to go back to solitary confinement.”

Sandra smacked her teeth. “We won’t. No one’s around—”

“No,” I blurted, growing anxious by the second. “I don’t have time for the three of you right now.”

“Right, you don’t. How many months do you have left?” Sandra asked smugly. 

I stared at her, wanting to make her pay for what she did to me the day that the three of them jumped me in my dorm. Kaydar stabbed me in the leg, but Sandra had done most of the damage. 

At first glance, one wouldn’t think much of Sandra. She had silky black hair, dark olive skin, dark brown eyes, and a smile other girls would kill for. In my opinion, she was a pretty female, but her attitude was anything but. After a while, everyone else came to that conclusion as well, and she became the second most disliked person in the school next to me. 

I sighed and tried to walk around Sandra, but she quickly grabbed my arm and yanked me back in front of her, then leaned in close to my face. “I didn’t tell you that you could leave.” Her grip became so tight I thought she would crack the bone. She was very much capable of doing so.

I kept my eyes on her, angered at the fact that she had the upper hand but also because there was just something about her that made my blood boil. I had no problem with people being confident in their ability to fight, but Sandra was just arrogant and used her powers for the wrong reasons. 

“Let me go,” I said in a low and surprisingly threatening tone. 

Kaydar sighed. “Let her go, Sandra.”

Sandra squeezed tighter with her eyes locked on mine. “No. She looks like she wants to fight,” she chuckled. “It’s cute.”

I clenched my teeth and flared my nose. I could feel heat building in my chest and shoulders, but it wasn’t enough for me to tell if it was my energy yet. “Let. Go.” My words were clipped with anger. 

Sandra’s eyebrows furrowed, and she smirked. “Are you trying to be intimidating?” 

I guess because I was just a null that she didn’t see it coming, but without hesitation, I slammed my head into her face hard enough to stun her. Sandra let my arm go and stumbled backwards to the floor. When she felt the blood leaking from her nose, she quickly covered it.  

“Stay away from me!” I yelled, walking up to her, feeling the heat in my chest rush to my head, but when the lights began to flicker, I froze… and then the flickering stopped. What was that? 

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the second installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn’t accept the weak…or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised. 

Amazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo * Smashwords * Books2Read * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N2JBF4S

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-calling/id6475304968

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-calling-destiny-hawkins/1144515523?ean=2940167188426

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-calling-137

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1496816

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/b5BDKp

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-calling-the-descendants-series-2-by-destiny-hawkins

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58957278-the-calling

“Good. Let the fight begin!” Everyone cheered as the referee moved out of our way. 

“I’ve been waiting for this!” In the blink of an eye, Sandra went from being ten feet away from me to cracking my jaw with her fist and sending me to the ground. I rolled across the dirt, at first out of control, but as I slowed, I rolled back to my feet. 

My focus was on my cheek as I tried to send my energy there to begin healing, and to my surprise, it was working. It was the first time that I’d ever been able to direct my energy, but I guess the adrenaline was helping with that.  

Sandra came at me again, but this time she didn’t use her speed. Instead, she came at me and threw a punch with one hand, but I blocked it, then she grabbed my arm with that same hand and used her other fist to connect with my jaw. As I stumbled back, her strength kicked in, and she yanked me back to her. She wasn’t even expecting me to come at her with my elbow ready, and I caught her chin with the very tip of it.  

As she stumbled backwards, I threw a front kick to her gut, and she fell onto the ground. I went to hold her down before she could get back up, but I was too slow. As I went to mount her, she used her speed to move out of the way and locked me in a rear naked choke.  

Naturally, I brought my chin down into the crevice of her arm, but she pulled so tightly that her arm slipped under my chin and was now crushing my throat. “I’m not going to let you live through this, Rayah,” Sandra grunted.

I grabbed at her forearm in a panic, trying to pull it away so I could breathe, but she wouldn’t budge. Not one sliver of air could get in or out. 

“I’m going to kill you. I owe your parents that much for killing mine and bringing me here.” Her voice lowered, hatred seething from her lips in a growl. “To this dreadful nation.” 

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the third installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn’t accept the weak…or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised 

Amazon * Books2Read * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CQKXT5W3

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/mYDnVp

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-unbroken-the-descendants-series-book-3-by-destiny-hawkins

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/204008683-the-unbroken

Destiny Hawkins is a multi-genre author with a dark imagination and a love for magic.

She enjoys exploring the freedom of life, writing, listening to music, reading, and of course watching some anime! Her favorite genres to read and work in are Fantasy, LGBT, Paranormal, Romance, Dystopian, Sci-fi, and Young Adult. 

Destiny loves creating stories and building worlds that both teach and entertain! When writing, she sticks to her slogan: Where beauty can be found in darkness. 

Website * Facebook * FB Group * X * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

Author Links

Website: https://www.authordhawkins.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authordhawkins

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lytonians

X: https://x.com/DestinyTypes

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/type_destiny/

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/destiny-hawkins

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Destiny-Hawkins/author/B00NVYJ36E

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8641987.Destiny_Hawkins

$10 Amazon 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


Interview With Debut Author Stewart Sutters

By way of introduction, here is Stewart’s bio:

Stewart Sutters lives in a little fishing town in the UK. He works as a graphic designer by day. He has a (very) small woodwork shop, which is pretty much fitted out with tools and supplies etc.

Hello, Stewart, welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you for having me.

When did the writing bug ensnare you? 

I have always had a love for films, storytelling, and anything creative. Then after creating Stewbot for real at the start of covid, my mission was to write his story.

Is writing your full-time profession? 

Unfortunately, it’s not. However, I would love it to be one day.

How long have you been writing?

I started to write during the covid lockdown.

How many published books have you written? 

This is my debut book. It is available in hardback, paperback, Ebook, and I also published a colouring and activity book to accompany the book.

Which genre do you write?

Children’s picture books. 

What do you find most challenging writing for this genre? 

Trying to tell a story with limited pictures and words is a challenge. Then throw in the challenge of writing in rhyme. Whilst writing in prose would have been easier, personally I just love reading books that rhyme.

What are you working on now?

I am working on book two, Stewbot and the Disappearing Planets.

The evil Dr. Chewin is flying around the galaxy, zapping planets, and turning them into giant dog chews, and then eating them.

With planet Neklong soon to be zapped, they make a call to Stewbot. I am at the stage of editing text and have started on illustrations. Book three is also at first draft. Stewbot and the Race to Save Christmas. 

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

My inspiration comes from my own relationship with my grandchildren.  I love watching how their imagination works through role play.

My other inspiration for the Stewbot stories is based on a very old 1970’s TV series in the UK called Mr Benn. Mr Benn would walk into a fancy dress shop and try on an outfit. He would walk through a door and was transported into an adventure based on that outfit. 

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work? 

Just finishing writing my first book was at the top. Then selling my first book was an amazing achievement for me. Third was seeing some children dress up as my characters on world book day. 

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

Well, I still feel like I am starting out, so difficult to really give advice. I guess the only advice I can give is to always be willing to learn and take all criticism as being positive. 

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

When I got my wood shop, my wife thought I was going to be making cool things like furniture; however, I made one robot, and then another.

And now I am at over 70. I’m like the Forest Gump of robot makers. My big dream is to eventually see Stewbot in his own TV series, or even the big screen.

What message are you sharing in your books?

Whilst I understand the importance of books that delve into children’s emotions, mental health, and social issues, I wanted my books to simply promote the fantastic relationships that children and grandparents have, promoting imagination, mixed in with some silliness and fun. 

What are your favourite books?

The Gruffalo, Aliens Love Underpants, and Stich Head.

If you could create an author’s group with writers from any time period, who would you invite?

Any writer from the year 2084. I would then be able to ask them if they knew my name, and if my books became successful. And who played Pops in the movie.

Who has influenced your writing the most?

Stewbot. If it was not for this little wooden robot, I would not have ended up writing. And my mate Jeff, who is simply an amazing writer and poet. 

When you’re not writing where can we find you?

Out in my woodwork shop making wooden robots to sell. I have made over 70 now and sold them to people in countries such as Germany, Ireland, France, Luxembourg, Nigeria, and Los Angeles.

A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie, and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie?

I would be the shop keeper in the supermarket. I’m loving the movie idea.

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do?

“Let sleeping dogs lie”.

What are your most effective marketing strategies?

Very good question. My answer is that I am still working on that. Maybe online interviews if this leads to lots of people buying my book.

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?





Where can we find your books?


This site prints and delivers to the US, UK and worldwide.


And on Amazon.

Thank you, Stewart, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck.

Available on Amazon.

The Tooth Fairy has had her wings stolen by a furry, four-legged thief, who is pretending to be her, and leaving dog chews under childrens pillows.

Can a super-hero, wooden robot really save the day? Is this the end of the Tooth Fairy as we know her? You just couldn’t make that up.

Well, you could if you are a Person Of Phenomenal Stories AKA, Pops. 

Interview With Author William Staub

By way of introduction, here is William’s bio:

William has been writing for more than thirty years and enjoys the cathartic release of diving into a good story with a flawed hero.

He began his military service in the US Army, retired in 1993, and took a job teaching high school in inner-city Baltimore, Maryland for the next thirteen years.

He is happily married to a true southern belle. They have been married fifty-one years. They have four grown children and seven grandchildren. William lives with his wife in a beautiful small home on a quiet waterfront in northeast Florida.

Hello, William, welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you for having me.

When did the writing bug ensnare you?

I started writing fiction in middle school, but I didn’t become serious about it until I deployed overseas. We worked twelve-hour shifts, 12 on and 12 off. So, when I got a few hours to myself, I wrote my first book.

While researching and interviewing subject-matter experts for the story, many of them told me they had always wanted to write a novel, or they had started writing, but had not finished it.

I decided during that period in my life that I would not be one of those people who never wrote or never finished their books. So, I wrote furiously and finished my third draft one year later.

Is writing your full-time profession?

No. I am a retired military officer and high school teacher.

I have a lot more time to write now than I did during my career, so I am enjoying the experience of retirement and hobby writing. Not that I don’t take it seriously.

I try to spend several hours on my computer each day. But my full-time work now is taking care of my disabled wife.

How long have you been writing?

I have been writing since 1989, so that would be over 35 years.

How many published books have you written?

I have self-published seven books but haven’t broken into the traditional publishing arena.

Which genres do you write?

My first book was a Men’s Military action/adventure novel. I wanted to write using my experience and wrote about men in combat and their lives afterwards.

My second book was an Espionage thriller. In the early 2000s, a friend with spina bifida inspired me to write a series of books about a young boy born with spina bifida who got suckedinto an adventure game on his computer.

I recently rewrote the three books and published the first one called The Farnsworth Chronicles. Each time he goes inside the computer, he has to give up something in order to walk. It is a Middle Grade Modern Day Fantasy.

My current genre is really narrow because I wanted to write the stories which were in my heart. That genre is Christian/LDS Action/Adventure Thrillers.

What are you working on now?

A series in which the hero/protagonist is like an Indiana Jones and also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints.

Somewhere along the line, he is going to meet up with my hero from my current series and they will have a major impact on the life decisions and life goals of each other.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

I watched the first several seasons of Ancient Aliens and similar shows with mysteries to get ideas for my books.

I watch for shows, magazines, and books that deal with little-known pieces of information I can use to create fictional stories based on fact and involve characters of strength, faith, and love.

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

I’ve done the voiceovers for each of my books, so they are now available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook formats.

I enjoy taking my own stories and giving voice with my interpretation of how they sound. I am not very good at accents, but I enjoy the work and find it the most rewarding.

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

Write your first book until it is finished before you decide to go back and edit it. It is more important to finish it than it is to make it perfect when you finish. If you try to edit as you go, it may take you many years to finish, and you may eventually give up trying.

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

I am a very strong believer in God, Jesus Christ, and in modern-day prophets. I am trying to write my books in a way to help readers understand how God intervenes in our lives without taking away our free will/free agency to make our own decisions.

What message are you sharing in your books?

God allows us to make our own decisions. However, when we appeal to him for help and subsequently decide to do what is not the will of God, he will arrange things in our life to bring us back to the right path.

The trick is to live the way God wants us to live all the time, and not just when it is most convenient for us.

Who has influenced your writing the most?

I started with Tom Clancy (Jack Ryan), moved to Vince Flynn (Mitch Rapp), then to Lee Child (Jack Reacher), and now Mark Greaney (Cort Gentry), and the many characters of David Baldacci.

Can you see a trend? These authors write about characters I find appealing, and their books align with my writing interests, but with a Christian influence.

Can you picture Jack Reacher as a man with strong Christian principles, caught in situations where violence is necessary for survival and protection? Meet Orson Kincaid, the protagonist of my story.

When you’re not writing, where can we find you?

I am a family man. Now that I am retired, I try to spend all my time with or doing things for my family.

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do?

I would immediately step back and search for the animal control representative, known as 24-7, to report a stray and ill dog.

What are your most effective marketing strategies?

I have a cover designer who is a genius and a marketing manager who gets my books and audiobooks out there very effectively.

I try to write regularly for my blog, and let my readers know what kind of books they will get if they select my books to read.

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?

Yes. I have a blog I write at author-william-staub.com. I also have a Facebook and an Instagram page on which I make appearances.

Where can we find your books?

All my books are print-on-demand. Amazon is the main printer.

Thank you, William, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck.

Whispered Surrender: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sinful Duets Book 1) By Via Mari

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Whispered Surrender: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sinful Duets Book 1)By International Best Selling Author Via Mari.


Jay and Sasha:

I’ve never once protected someone outside of the job, or felt compelled to do anything of the kind, until Sasha.

Those beautiful hazy-filled eyes watch me with interest, suspicion, and longing, but something else too. An emotion that stirs a deep-seated need to control as though she were put on earth just for me.

The hot-headed Russian may be graceful for the public but is sharp-edged and deliciously sinful when not on stage.

When Sasha falls on the wrong side of the mafia, keeping her safe is not a question, but there’s much more at stake than danger in this power game we play.

I want to peel away the older layers she uses to protect her heart and replace it with a fiery ring that will protect her from anything and everything in this forbidden game of love and war.

My reputation and name are whispered on the lips of our enemies for a reason. I dare anyone, even the most notorious of crime families, to stand in the way of me claiming my wayward angel.

Matt and Marenah:

The last thing I expect to find when on an undercover assignment is an innocent blonde with sky blue eyes who makes my heart pound with excitement and blood race with an intensity that I’ve never felt before.

But the granddaughter of the head of the Russian Bratva is not who she appears to be. Not even her family knows her life’s passion, where she goes when she’s not with them, or the secrets that she keeps.

I’ve earned the reputation of one of the most fearless and ruthless protectors in the business for a reason. I’m not about to let any crime family come between me and the woman I want.

When secrets are revealed, I will protect, tame, and make the innocent and off limit mafia princess mine.

Even if the fearless beauty’s good intentions may be the demise of us all.

Whispered Surrender is the bundled collection of Wayward and Undercover. It is the first in a sinfully delicious collection of duets by International Best-Selling Author Via Mari. You will fall in love with these two fearless women who capture the hearts of the men who will do anything to protect them, even from themselves.

You will love these novels where the passion is fiery, the loyalty is fierce, and the stakes are high. Each story and couple have a guaranteed happily ever after.






Interview With Author Adele Lamothe

By way of introduction, here is Adele’s bio:

Adele was born in South Africa, a place of abundant beauty. The landscapes are as varied as the beautiful people who make up the ‘rainbow nation’; sweeping savannas, bountiful bushveld and majestic mountains that culminate in the meeting of two oceans.

Adele met her husband in Johannesburg and together they navigate the beautiful and challenging terrain of parenthood. In raising their two amazing children they have discovered that love is a wellspring of patience and selflessness and they appreciate every precious moment.

In 2022 they moved to Canada and they have embraced their new home, with its exquisite landscapes, remarkable seasons and friendly people. They have settled in a quiet neighborhood which is home to rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks and birds and surrounded by beautiful forests, lakes and ever-changing beauty.

Adele feels the happiest when she is writing, spending time with family or out-and-about exploring nature.

Through her books she wishes to encourage children to connect with the world and develop a deep appreciation with our environment.

Hello, Adele, welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Thank you for having me.

When did the writing bug ensnare you?

I’ve always enjoyed creative writing. When I was a child I used to create ‘mini’ magazines by stapling a few sheets together, with thoughts of entertaining people through my writing.

Then I had a blog for a number of years in which I enjoyed sharing my experiences as a mom with family and friends. I’ve only recently had time to work on picture books, although it has been on my mind ever since I started reading bedtime stories to my children.

Is writing your full-time profession?

Since moving to Canada last year, I took some time out of the corporate world to focus on writing and learning about self-publishing. This is the first book of what I hope will be many!

Producing this book has been one of the most satisfying things I have done and I loved working with the illustrator, Steven Tu, to create something that we are both proud of!

How many published books have you written?

Two Little Raindrops is my debut children’s book.

Which genre do you write?

My first book is a picture book aimed at three to eight year olds.

What do you find most challenging writing for this genre?

The first challenge with writing any book (in my opinion) is nailing down the idea. There are so many excellent books out there already and it’s really important to think about how your book is going to stand out and whether there is interest in your theme or story.

For picture books, an additional challenge is that you have a very limited amount of words in which to tell the story.

It needs to be written with careful thought as to whether the message is clear without being too obvious, while still entertaining children. It’s a worthwhile challenge!

What are you working on now?

I am working on my next picture book which is another fascinating adventure that can be found in nature.

Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

I am inspired by nature. On a rainy day quite some time ago, I was drawn to a little raindrop which had landed on my windshield.

I was curious about this little raindrop’s life and I wanted to write about the raindrop’s adventure. I loved the thought of bringing an inanimate thing to life and giving it a unique character.

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

Knowing that children are enjoying my book is more rewarding than I can explain. I love it when I receive positive feedback and reviews, or when a parent sends me a photo or video of their child reading the book to them.

I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to create something wholesome that can be enjoyed by families.

What advice would you give to authors just starting out?

I’m still really new at this and I have a lot to learn, but doing your research is really important. Think about how your book can stand out and then immerse yourself in the publishing world; read, watch videos, listen to podcasts and join author communities. There are many supportive authors willing to help you out!

Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?

I truly appreciate all the support from my readers, big and small! I have a website with some free educational activities that will keep kids busy and entertained https://adelelamothe.com/.

On a personal note, I love experimenting with cooking (not always successfully!). I love sunsets, the beach and I’m fascinated by tsunamis, although I’d never want to be near one.

I often spend an hour flipping through trailers on Netflix and adding to my list, but never actually start watching anything. My husband would roll his eyes right now.

What message are you sharing in your books?

Two Little Raindrops introduces the water cycle through a rhyming story. Two raindrops are lost and they miss their family.

They start a journey to find their way back home and have a fun adventure along the way! Through my books I want to entertain children while educating and inspiring them to appreciate our beautiful environment.

What are your favorite children’s/young adult books?

I love picture books that allow kids to see the world from other people’s perspective. I love picture books that introduce whimsical worlds to spark the imagination and those that teach valuable lessons.

I have so many favorite books! Some of my favorite authors are Dr Seuss, Dick Bruna, Astrid Lindgren, Julia Donaldson, Refiloe Mohahloli…

If you could create an author’s group with writers from any time period, who would you invite?

I would invite writers and poets from the 19th century. As an example, Hans Christian Andersen, a master storyteller with an extraordinary imagination! His fairy tales transcend time and they are still relatable.

I would also invite female writers from this time period who had to use male pen names to avoid being censored or judged. I think the discussions would be very interesting!

Who has influenced your writing the most?

My children. I cherished the special moments we shared over a good story. I loved their reaction to a brilliant ending, their giggles about a funny character and how they memorized words from their favorite books.

The desire to write my own stories came from seeing their enjoyment and appreciating the special bonding time that books can create for families.

When you’re not writing where can we find you?

I spend most of my free time doing things with my family. In the warmer months we love to spend time near the water walking along our beautiful waterfront or swimming in the lake.

I love paddleboarding and reading on the beach. In the colder months, I love to walk in the forest or ice skate. I am determined to try cross country skiing this winter (we’ll see how that goes!)

A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie, and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie?

I would either be a fish swimming in the water or the little raindrop that’s cooking up a storm.

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do?

I’d probably offer him a tissue and ask if he’s lost. He must have mistaken Canada for the North Pole!

Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc.?

Handle: @adele.lamothe_author
Link: https://www.instagram.com/adele.lamothe_author/?igshid=NzZlODBkYWE4Ng%3D%3D

Where can we find your books?

You can buy Two Little Raindrops from Amazon or you can ask your local bookstore.

Thank you, Adele, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck.

Available on Amazon

Book Blurb:

A fun story that introduces the water cycle and inspires children to look at rain differently.

In this rhyming picture book, two quirky raindrops, Splish and Splash, find themselves far away from their comfortable cloud. Will they discover a path that leads them home, while still enjoying the thrill of the adventure?

“Wee!” said the friends, as they started to giggle.
They swerved and they swam, then they jumped with a jiggle.

The words have a poetic beat which makes this book fun to read aloud, with beautiful illustrations that vividly capture the characters’ journey.

If your little ones are curious about where rain comes from and where it ends up, this story will show them just how remarkable nature is and teach them the water cycle in a fun way.

It also includes a diagram at the end to make it easier to understand the water cycle and a few practical tips to save water.

This book is a great resource for teachers or for homeschooling. It is suitable for children from three years old.