Ellwyn’s Blog

Dark Fairytale Trilogy Book Tour

Tay’s best friend, Cale always told him fairy-tales were dark, but they all have happy endings, right?

Willow’s Way 

Dark Fairytale Book 1 

by Cheryl Headford 

Genre: LGBTQ YA Epic Fantasy 

Cale always told Tay that fairy tales were dark. But they always have happy endings, right?

Taylor Preston is a normal sixteen-year-old whose biggest worries are his GCSE exams. He’s right in the middle of them, but he has a summer of fun with his parents to look forward to after. Or not.

Despite their promise to spend the summer focusing on their one and only son, Tay’s parents, Local Authority specialist foster carers, take on one more special case.

Willow’s arrival throws more than Tay’s summer into chaos. Suddenly, his best friend is possessed by a demon, his parents aren’t his parents after all, and he’s literally living a nightmare in a fairy tale world that as dark as anything Cale ever warned him about.

All he has is Willow and a burning desire to save his friend before he succumbs to the demon and Willow kills him.

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08MDR65JS

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/willows-way/id1540694721

eXtasyBooks: https://www.extasybooks.com/willows-way

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/willows-way-cheryl-headford/1138008715?ean=2940164564162

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cheryl_Headford_Willow_s_Way?id=9HoGEAAAQBAJ

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/willow-s-way-3

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/willow-s-way-dark-fairytale-1-by-cheryl-headford

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55811996-willow-s-way

Tay’s Trials

Dark Fairytale Book 2 

Tay is trying to settle into his new life with a group of strangers who call themselves his family. Even Willow has deserted him. Then he meets Wisp, and things look up – until a shadow assassin attempts to kill him, Cale traps his shadow in a gem and the only way to save him appears to be a mad wizard.

What can possibly top all that? Meeting a hundred-thousand-year-old king and his dragon friend, the very dragon on whom the entire city is built.

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08W4TT3MD

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/tays-trials/id1556181417

eXtasyBooks: https://www.extasybooks.com/tays-trials

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tays-trials-cheryl-headford/1138920171?ean=2940165265730

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Cheryl_Headford_Tay_s_Trials?id=6P8dEAAAQBAJ

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/tay-s-trials

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/tay-s-trials-dark-fairytale-2-by-cheryl-headford

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61092967-tay-s-trials

Godric’s Gift 

Dark Fairytale Book 3 

Tay had thought that fighting demons was the hardest thing he’d have to do, but what came after was so much harder.

No one thought Tay was ready to face his possessed brother and the demon army at his back, and that included Tay himself. Gray, however, thought different and, as usual, Gray got his way. But if Tay thought the demons were the hardest thing he’d have to face, he would soon find himself dead wrong.

From determining ownership of the land formerly occupied by the demons to a world that had been without a High King for so long they weren’t sure they needed one, every day brought new problems, and then there was the magic that was not so slowly leaking out of the world. Tay’s life got more complicated every day.

When Gray stepped up with the answers, it only made things a whole lot worse.

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0DPVY4Z4V

eXtasyBooks: https://www.extasybooks.com/tays-trials

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/godrics-gift-cheryl-headford/1146705811?ean=9781487442682

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?_bbid=247671529&_bbreg=us&_bbtype=blog&id=BaM2EQAAQBAJ

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/godric-s-gift-dark-fairytale-book-3-by-cheryl-headford

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/222382975-godric-s-gift


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About the Author 

Cheryl was born into a poor mining family in the South Wales Valleys. Until she was 16, the toilet was at the bottom of the garden and the bath hung on the wall.

Her refrigerator was a stone slab in the pantry and there was a black lead fireplace in the kitchen. They look lovely in a museum but aren’t so much fun to clean.

Cheryl has always been a storyteller. As a child, she’d make up stories for her nieces, nephews and cousin and they’d explore the imaginary worlds she created, in play.

Later in life, Cheryl became the storyteller for a re enactment group who travelled widely, giving a taste of life in the Iron Age.

As well as having an opportunity to run around hitting people with a sword, she had an opportunity to tell stories of all kinds, sometimes of her own making, to all kinds of people.

The criticism was sometimes harsh, especially from the children, but the reward enormous.

It was here she began to appreciate the power of stories and the primal need to hear them.

In ancient times, the wandering bard was the only source of news, and the storyteller the heart of the village, keeping the lore and the magic alive.

Although much of the magic has been lost, the stories still provide a link to the part of us that still wants to believe that it’s still there, somewhere.

In present times, Cheryl lives in a terraced house in the valleys with her son, dog, bearded dragon and three cats.

Her daughter has deserted her for the big city, but they’re still close. She’s never been happier since she was made redundant and is able to devote herself entirely to her twin loves of writing and art, with a healthy smattering of magic and mayhem.

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Author Links

Website: https://nephylim-author.blogspot.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/cheryl.headford.1/

X: https://x.com/SevenPointStar

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cherylheadford/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Cheryl-Headford/author/B00JBQAAGI

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4462803.Nephylim

Murderous Consequences Book Tour

Sadie Sabatini believes in standing up for the underdog, but this time around, she’s using all the skills she’s honed as a grifter to defend her new life and keep herself out of prison.

Murderous CONsequences 

A Sadie Sabatini Mystery Book 1 

by Nicole Leiren

Genre: Cozy Mystery 

Sadie Sabatini thinks of herself as a modern-day Robin Hood who uses her gift as a skilled con artist to help those who have nowhere else to turn. Leading this life is rewarding, but the number of enemies are piling up.

Sadie decides to lay low and start over with a new (and legitimate business) in the small town of Wilson, Texas, situated on a small peninsula in beautiful Lake Amore.

Trouble is never far behind though and her past catches up to her in a big way when a friend of a former mark threatens blackmail for his silence.

When he turns up dead and Sadie is the prime suspect, she realizes this time she must protect herself.

Her skills prove helpful as she digs deeper into the web of revenge, blackmail, and secrets to discover she’s not the only one with a past to hide.

As the threats mount, Sadie knows she’s closing in on the truth. She now worries that the few new friends she’s made in town are in danger because of her.

With time running out, can she protect those around her and find the real killer before this new chapter in her life is conned out of a happy ending?

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0D7NN54QV

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/murderous-consequences/id6504638093

Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=DVwcEQAAQBAJ

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1580475

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/4XNvxN

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/murderous-consequences-by-nicole-leiren

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/215139089-murderous-consequences


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About the Author 

Described by those who know her best as perky, quirky and effervescent, USA Today Best-Selling author Nicole Leiren likes to have fun — in life, with her characters and, of course, her readers.

She admits to being sassy (just ask her mother!) and inspiration for her characters are drawn from the real-world heroes and heroines she meets while traversing the country.

Nicole enjoys sharing the love, laughter, mystery, and occasionally a touch of the mayhem she forces her characters to endure—all for the reader’s pleasure! Her real-world heroes and heroines will keep you turning the pages until you reach the whodunit or happily ever after (usually both!)

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Author Links

Website:  https://www.nicoleleiren.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/NicoleLeirenAuthorPage

X: https://x.com/NicoleLeiren

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleleiren

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/nicole-leiren

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Nicole-Leiren/author/B011MKQRMQ

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14080086.Nicole_Leiren

Guest Post

Have you written any other books that aren’t published?

The very first book I wrote is still unpublished. I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember.

At first, it was stories for my little sister, then some fanfic, and finally I wanted to try my hand at my own story. It took a number of years with lots of stops and starts and more name changes than I can remember before I finally typed “The End” Of course, once I’d done that, I had no idea what I should do next. So, I did what anyone would do, Googled it 😊 I learned that you had to submit a pitch, hook, and query.

I had no idea how to do that so I found an online class, offered by Savvy Authors that taught you how to do those things. The class was being taught by an agent, Dawn Dowdle.

We learned how to write the hook and pitch and after submitting mine, she typed in my chat that she would be open to my querying her with this story.   Of course, I replied that as soon as she taught me how to do that, I would love to!  LOL 

She did just that and I used what she taught me to submit my query to her. A week or so later, she offered representation.

We went through several edits and finally sent it out to query publishers. Rejection after rejection followed and, I confess, to being a bit disheartened. Ironically, the reason for the rejections weren’t really bad.

The mystery publishers said it didn’t have enough mystery, suspense publishers said not enough suspense and romance pubs said not enough romance.  I took that to mean it was a well-balanced story. 😊 

Thankfully, my story didn’t end there.  While that story still hasn’t seen the light of day…yet, I went on to write my first contemporary sweet military romance which was picked up by Gemma Halliday Publishing.

From there, I published six full-length novels with Gemma before taking a break for a couple years. 

My next book, Murderous CONsequences, was picked up by Harbor Lane Publishing and I hope you enjoy this latest endeavor. And, maybe one day, soon, that first book will get to be in the hands of readers too.

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?

Interestingly enough, when I was writing my romance novels, I would listen to music as it kept me in the right mood.

I had a playlist with specially selected songs that fit the different scenes I needed to write. 

Once I started writing the mysteries, however, I found I needed white noise (usually a fan) to block out all those pesky little noises and help me concentrate.

Occasionally, I will listen to music before I start writing to get my mind in the right head space (suspenseful, sad, etc.) depending on what scenes are due to be written that day, but once fingers go to the keyboard, it’s white noise for me 😊

Tell us about a favorite character from a book:

It’s really hard to pick just one favorite. Obviously, my main characters hold a special place in my heart, but the role of supporting actor or actress can be just as important to a story.

I mean imagine Cagney without  Lacey (and if you don’t get that reference, I’ll try Batman without Robin or Dory without Nemo 😊) You get the idea. In my romance series, of course,  I loved the main couple, but Annie (Daniel’s daughter) was a favorite of mine.

I don’t have many children in my stories, but the creation of Annie and the role she played in the life of her father and, subsequently, in Melody’s life, warmed my heart.

In the Danger Cove series, I would have to say Abe was afavorite character. The wisdom he shared with the younger generation and the way he looked after them meant a lot to me.

It also didn’t hurt that my inspiration for what he looked like was Sir Patrick Stewart (who I could look at all day LOL) might have influenced my decision to pick him as a favorite.

In the new series, it’s too hard to pick a favorite just yet LOL Of course, I adore Kelsey and the friendship she and Sadie are forming. Estelle “EZ” Zimmerman makes me smile and I love her grit and determination to lead the life she’s chosen with no apologies.

And, of course, Emerson holds a special place as a special kid who the whole town has taken under his wing.

I always enjoy hearing who the reader pick as their favorite and why too!!

Vandom’s Journey Release Tour

1925. His dream is to build a horse ranch in the Poconos. Her dream is him. God’s plan is bigger than them both. 

Vadom’s Journey 

The Heart’s Journey Series Book 2 

By Sara J. Walker 

Genre: Sweet Historical Romance 

This is a sweet, Christian Historical Romance set in the same world as my characters in The Grumpy Guardian’s Redemption.

1925. His dream is to build a horse ranch in the Poconos. Her dream is him. God’s plan is bigger than them both.

Pennsylvania, 1925

Vadom Stancher travels to the Poconos with only his extraordinary gift for working with horses and a dream of owning his own ranch.

He finds his chance—and his heart finds the daughter of a wealthy rancher. But when tragedy strikes, his grief leads him down a path of poor choices that will echo through years to come.

Amanda Devoe, the preacher’s daughter, sees past Vadom’s wounded spirit. One night of comfort becomes a secret she’ll carry alone to Georgia, where she builds a new life as a schoolteacher. But some secrets can’t stay hidden forever.

With God’s guidance, can two hearts find their way back to each other? Or will the past keep them forever apart?

Vadom’s Journey is a tale of second chances and the healing power of God’s perfect timing—perfect for readers who enjoy historical romance with themes of faith and forgiveness.

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0DPY1JQ74

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/vadoms-journey/id6739185491

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/vadoms-journey-sara-j-walker/1146656431?ean=2940180933683

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/vadom-s-journey

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1660501

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/bOqvzg

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/vadom-s-journey-the-heart-s-journey-series-book-2-by-sara-j-walker

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/222412880-vadom-s-journey

The Grumpy Guardian’s Redemption

The Heart’s Journey Book 1 

The Grumpy Guardian’s Redemption, a sweet, historical Christian romance

This is a heartwarming Christian tale of redemption and love that touches the souls of two lonely people in the mountains of 1920s Tennessee.

Set in the mountains of Tennessee in 1925, Liam McCord treasures his solitary existence until a chance encounter disrupts his peace. When he discovers a battered young woman near his cabin, he’s compelled to shelter her until help arrives. As a solitary fifty-two-year-old man, he can’t care for her alone, so he enlists the help of a local spinster.

Enter Millie Norton, a resilient woman with a heart untouched by love. She can see beyond the surface and realizes the patient in the house is not the only person needing care. Together, Liam and Millie embark on a journey of shared challenges as they care for the woman and work a change in their community. Somewhere along the way, the English recluse and the mountain spinster forge an unexpected bond of love.

This heartwarming Christian story of redemption, healing, and the transformative power of love will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired.

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CW19SR6X

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-grumpy-guardians-redemption/id6479612899

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-grumpy-guardians-redemption-sara-j-walker/1145088533?ean=2940179947189

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-grumpy-guardian-s-redemption

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1538244

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/bPDw2z

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-grumpy-guardian-s-redemption-heart-s-journey-1-by-sara-j-walker

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/209057361-the-grumpy-guardian-s-redemption

Excerpt: Vandom’s Journey

“What’s going on?”

“It’s Lightning,” Shorty said, shifting so Vadom could see inside the stall. “This is her first foal, and it don’t look good. Walker isn’t happy.”

Donnel raised his voice. “Do you want me to ride for the veterinarian? I hear tell they have one in Sommerville.”

Walker shook his head. “That’s twenty-five miles away. This will be over before you get back. One way or another.”

The mare groaned in agony and tried to wallow in the straw, but Petey lay across her neck, holding her on her side. Walker had discarded his jacket and had his shirt sleeves rolled up. 

Lightning moaned and thrashed. 

Vadom’s heart clenched in sympathy for the mare. “Mr. Walker,” he said softly.

“Don’t bother me unless you can help,” Walker snapped.

“I can.”

Five sets of eyes turned to stare at him. 

Walker pointed at Vadom. “Tell me what you can do.”

Vadom swallowed hard. He didn’t want to expose his talent, because he couldn’t explain what he could do with horses. He could be labeled a heathen. “My father was a horse master on the estate we served in London. He taught me a great deal, and I helped with many foalings.”

“We should get the boy’s father,” Petey said from where he crouched over the mare.

“No time.” Walker motioned for Vadom to enter the stall. “Her name is Lightning. I would choose her over the foal if it comes to that.”

“Shorty said it’s her first?” Vadom asked as he assessed the situation. 

“Yes. By Duke, my Palomino stallion.”

“I haven’t met Duke,” Vadom said, not realizing that sounded odd. 

The mare groaned, and he felt her pain to his bones. “You poor girl,” he murmured, pressing his hands to her cheeks as he attempted to quell her panic and help her find calm. The pain was another issue.

“What do you need?” Mr. Walker asked.

Vadom never took his eyes away from the mare’s wide gaze. “Does your wife have any willow bark? It would be good to dull the pain.”

“She does. I’ll get it.” Walker rushed from the barn to retrieve the painkiller.

“Shorty, will you do something for me?” Vadom asked.

“Sure thing.”

“Boil some water for the willow bark and steep a small amount. Put a generous amount of sugar in the water and bring it to me. She’ll take it better if sweetened, and she could use the energy,” Vadom instructed. “Petey, I need you to move to the other side and lean forward on her neck so I can reach her belly.”

“Why do you need to do that?” Donnel asked.

Vadom finally felt he had a connection with the mare and could look away from her eyes. He glanced at Donnel. “I will palpitate her side to see how the foal is positioned. I’ll show you.” Lightning was still in terrible pain but breathing easier. The willow bark would help if he could get her to take some of it.

Petey shifted above her, keeping pressure on her neck so she wouldn’t stand, and Vadom ran his hands over her belly, maintaining a steady stream of low whispers all the while, making sure she could hear him.

“She wants to stand,” Petey said, “but the pains were so bad her knees gave out the last time. She don’t need to be fallin’.” 

Vadom nodded as he pressed on her belly with gentle fingers. The life inside was … two. “Twins,” he said aloud.

“Now, how would you know that?” Jacob asked, his voice thick with skepticism.

Vadom thought fast. “Hooves,” he quickly offered. He couldn’t tell them he knew any other way. “I feel more than four hooves.”


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About the Author

Longtime puppeteer and dramatic story teller, Sara loves both the spoken and the written word. She has two grown children and resides with their husband of 57 years in a small Georgia town.

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Author Links

Website: https://sarajwalker.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100069583929745

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/sara-j-walker-83144c7f-3282-49f4-9f34-d18c74dc93b2

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/stores/Sara-Walker/author/B08FCWKJPD

Wind From The Abyss Book Tour

Estri’s life is shattered. Her name, her memories, her past—gone. Pulled into a world of cosmic intrigue and divine manipulation, she must navigate a realm where gods test her resolve. 

Wind From the Abyss 

The Silistra Quartet Book 3 

By Janet Morris 

Genre: Dystopian SciFi Fantasy Adventure 

Dystopia. Novel series #2 of 4. Fantasy. Science fiction. Allegory. Political.

Wind from the Abyss is the third volume in Janet Morris’ classic Silistra Quartet, continuing one woman’s quest for self-realization in a distant tomorrow.

Aristocrat. Outcast. Picara. Slave. Ruler ….

She is descended from the masters of the universe. To hold her he challenges the gods themselves.

Praise for Janet Morris’ Silistra Quartet: 

“The amazing and erotic adventures of the most beautiful courtesan in tomorrow’s universe.” — Fred Pohl

“Engrossing characters in a marvelous adventure.” — Charles N. Brown, Locus Magazine.

The best single example of prostitution used in fantasy is Janet Morris’ Silsitra series.” — Anne K. Kahler, The Picara: From Hera to Fantasy Heroine.

This Perseid Press Author’s Cut Edition is revised and expanded by the author and presented in a format designed to enhance your reading experience with larger, easy-to-read print, more generous margins, and covers designed for these premium editions.

**On Sale for Only $2.99!**

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Wind-Abyss-Silistra-Quartet-Book-ebook/dp/B01M5HSQX2

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/wind-from-the-abyss-janet-morris-msc/1006098481?ean=2940156788378

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/wind-from-the-abyss-by-janet-morris

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32825168-wind-from-the-abyss

**Don’t miss the rest of the Silistra Quartet!**

Find them on Amazon!


Since, at the beginning of this tale, I did not recollect myself nor retain even the slightest glimmer of such understanding as would have led me to an awareness of the significance of the various occurrences that transpired at the Lake of Horns then, I am adding this preface, though it was no part of my initial conception, that the meaningfulness of the events described by “Khys’ Estri” (as I have come to think of the shadow-self I was while the dharen held my skills and memory in abeyance) not be withheld from you as they were from me.

I knew myself not: I was Estri because the girl Carth supposedly found wandering in the forest stripped of comprehension and identity chose that name.

There, perhaps, lies the greatest irony of all, that I named myself anew after Estri Hadrath diet Estrazi, who in reality I had once been.

And perhaps it is not irony at all, but an expression of Khys’ humor, an implicit dissertation by him who structured my experiences, my very thoughts, for nearly two years, until his audacity drove him to bring together once more Sereth crill Tyris, past-Slayer, then the outlawed Ebvrasea, then arrar to the dharen himself; Chayin rendi Inekte, cahndor of Nemar, co-cahndor of the Taken Lands, chosen so of Tar-Kesa, and at that time Khys’ puppet-vassal; and myself, former Well-Keepress, tiask of Nemar, and lastly becoming the chaldless outlaw who had come to judgment and endured ongoing retribution at the dharen’s hands.

To test his hesting, his power over owkahen, the time-coming-to-be, did Khys put us together, all three, in his Day-Keeper’s city — and from that moment onward, the Weathers of Life became fixed: siphoned into a singular future; sealed tight as a dead god in his mausoleum, whose every move brought him closer to the sum total, obliteration. So did the dharen Khys bespeak it, himself …

I. In Mourning for the Unrecollected

The hulion hovered, wings aflap, at the window, butting its black wedge of a head against the pane. Its yellow eyes glowed cruelly, slit-pupiled. Its white fangs, gleaming, were each as long as my forearm.

I screamed. Its tufted ears, flat against its head, twitched. Again and again, toothed mouth open wide, it battered at the window, roaring. Once more I screamed and ran stumbling to the far wall of my prison.

I pounded upon the locked doors with my fists, pressing myself against the wood. Sobbing, I turned to face it. The beast’s ears flickered at the sound. Those jaws, which could have snapped me in half, closed. It cocked its head.

I trembled, caught in its gaze. I could retreat no farther. I sank to my knees, moaning, against the door frame.

The beast gave one final snort. Those wings, with a spread thrice the length of a tall man, flapped decisively, and it was gone.

When the hulion was no more than a speck in the greening sky, I rose clumsily, shaking, to collect the papers I had strewn across the mat in my terror.

They were the arrar Carth’s papers, those he had forgotten in his haste to answer his returning master’s summons.

I knelt upon my hands and knees on the silvery pile, that I might gather the pages and replace them in the tas-sueded folder before Carth returned.

Foolish, I thought to myself, that I had so feared the hulion. It could not have gotten in.

I could not get out: It could not get in. Once I had thrown a chair at that impervious clarity. The chair had splintered. With one stout thala leg, as thick as my arm, had I battered upon that window.

All I had accomplished was the transformation of chair into kindling. The hulion, I chided myself, could have fared no better.

Hulions, upon occasion, have been known to eat man-flesh. Hulions, furred and winged, fanged and clawed, are the servants of the dharen who rules Silistra.

I had had no need to fear. Yet, I thought as I gathered the arrar Carth’s scattered papers, hulions are fearsome.

Perhaps if I had been able, as others are, to hear its mind’s intent, I would have felt differently. My fingers, numb and trembling, fumbled for the delicate sheets.

One in particular caught my eye. It was in Carth’s precise hand and headed: “Pre-assessment Monitoring of the Arrar Sereth. Enar Fourth Second, 25,697.”

I had met, once, the arrar Sereth. Upon my birthday, Macara fourth seventh, in the year ’696 had I met him, that night my child had been conceived.

I had read of his exploits. He frightened me, killer of killers, enforcer for the dharen, he who wore the arrar: chald of the messenger. Sereth, scarred and lean and taut like some carnivore, who had loved the Keepress Estri, my namesake, and with her brought great change to Silistra in the pass Amarsa, 25,695 — yes, I had met him.

About the Author

Best selling author Janet Morris began writing in 1976 and has since published more than 30 novels, many co-authored with her husband Chris Morris or others.

She has contributed short fiction to the shared universe fantasy series Thieves World, in which she created the Sacred Band of Stepsons, a mythical unit of ancient fighters modeled on the Sacred Band of Thebes.

She created, orchestrated, and edited the Bangsian fantasy series Heroes in Hell, writing stories for the series as well as co-writing the related novel, The Little Helliad, with Chris Morris.

She wrote the bestselling Silistra Quartet in the 1970s, including High Couch of Silistra, The Golden Sword, Wind from the Abyss, and The Carnelian Throne.

This quartet had more than four million copies in Bantam print alone, and was translated into German, French, Italian, Russian and other languages. In the 1980s, Baen Books released a second edition of this landmark series.

The third edition is the Author’s Cut edition, newly revised by the author for Perseid Press. Most of her fiction work has been in the fantasy and science fiction genres, although she has also written historical and other novels.

Morris has written, contributed to, or edited several book-length works of non-fiction, as well as papers and articles on nonlethal weapons, developmental military technology and other defense and national security topics.

Janet says: ‘People often ask what book to read first. I recommend “I, the Sun” if you like ancient history; “The Sacred Band,” a novel, if you like heroic fantasy; “Lawyers in Hell” if you like historical fantasy set in hell; “Outpassage” if you like hard science fiction; “High Couch of Silistra” if you like far-future dystopian or philosophical novels.

I am most enthusiastic about the definitive Perseid Press Author’s Cut editions, which I revised and expanded.’

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Author Links

Website: https://theperseidpress.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PerseidPublishing

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Perseid_Press

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/perseid_press

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/janet-morris

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Janet-Morris/author/B001HPJJB8

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/121072.Janet_E_Morris

A Buckeye Falls Christmas Book Tour

Will it be a Christmas to remember, or will their holiday get plowed away?

A Buckeye Falls Christmas 

A Buckeye Falls Novel 

by Libby Kay 

Genre: Contemporary Holiday Romance 

On the first day of Christmas, Buckeye Falls gave to me…

A snow storm…

Uninvited dinner guests…

A Christmas pageant…

And a friends’ reunion dinner to warm your heart.

It’s been ten years since five couples found love in this charming small Ohio town. Families and careers have grown, but the love remains the same.

Max is hosting Christmas at the diner, a final sendoff before the beloved hangout gets a facelift. But the risk of a snow storm and a few uninvited guests threaten everyone’s plans. Will it be a Christmas to remember, or will their holiday get plowed away?

Revisit your favorite couples in this holiday novella, which includes favorite recipes from the series. Warning: this story will make you hungry and may cause uncontrollable swoons.

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Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DJWGVH12

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/a-buckeye-falls-christmas/id6736843215

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-buckeye-falls-christmas-libby-kay/1146409657?ean=2940185714966

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/a-buckeye-falls-christmas

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/a-buckeye-falls-christmas-by-libby-kay

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/220327184-a-buckeye-falls-christmas


Ginny kissed Max’s cheek, tasting his tears on her lips. “Max, honey. This rarely happens. C’mon, Henry’s going to be the lead in the Christmas pageant. He’s a tough kid, just like his father.” She punctuated her statement with another kiss.

Max coughed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “Oh yeah, I’m a real macho man.” 

“Yeah, because you know they’re my type.” Ginny theatrically rolled her eyes. 

“I shudder to think of what your type is,” Max said, gesturing at his current state. His eyes were red, he was covered in dirt and dog kibble, and he probably could stand another few hours of sleep. 

Ginny leaned back, tapping her chin. “Well, let’s see. I like a man who can take care of me and my children. Someone who can cook, like really well. And it would be nice if he was a small business owner and took care of my father like his own. Oh, and if he’s also best friends with my best friends, that would be perfect.” Ginny huffed and pulled herself to her feet. “Looks like that’s a pretty tall order.” 

Max snatched Ginny’s hand and pulled her onto his lap. “Okay, Mrs. Sanchez. Point made.” He kissed his wife, relishing in the fact they were still together after all these years. Life wasn’t always perfect, but it was from where he sat. “I need to get to the diner and start working on the menu for Christmas.” 

Ginny kissed him one more time before pulling back. “And I’m needed in the office.” 

“Love you, Gin.” 

“Love you more.”



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About The Author

Libby Kay lives in the city in the heart of the Midwest with her husband. When she’s not writing, Libby loves reading romance novels of any kind. Stories of people falling in love nourish her soul.

Contemporary or Regency, sweet or hot, as long as there is a happily ever after—she’s in love!

When not surrounded by books, Libby can be found baking in her kitchen, binging true crime shows, or on the road with her husband, traveling as far as their bank account will allow.

Libby cohosts the Romance Roundup podcast with Liz Donatelli on the Reader Seeks Romance Channel where they recommend romance books and interview authors, influencers, and publishers. Check it out for your weekly dose of romance!

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Author Links

Website: https://www.libbykayauthor.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LibbyKayAuthor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/libbykayauthor

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/libby-kay

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Libby-Kay/e/B07VGY8SCH

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19377638.Libby_Kay

The Life & Times of Sherlock Holmes Book Tour

A must-read for Sherlockians, history enthusiasts, and anyone eager to uncover the hidden layers of Victorian England.

The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes 

Essays on Victorian England Book V 

by Liese Sherwood-Fabre

Genre: Nonfiction History, Literary Criticism 

Rediscover Victorian England’s forgotten history and culture.

Volume V of The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes explores the cultural, scientific, and historical allusions found throughout Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective stories.

This collection of essays unpacks twenty-four topics mentioned in the original mysteries, from everyday details like hats and plumbing to complex issues such as international spying, the binomial theorem, and relations with Russia.

Through such insights, readers gain a deeper understanding of the Victorian world in which Holmes operated.

Other essays explore both the familiar and the obscure, touching on subjects like the KKK’s presence in England, the significance of whaling, and legal concepts like insanity and blackmail.

Unique cultural topics—such as the role of curry in the British Empire, the rise of bohemianism, and the Victorian obsession with rejuvenation through animal hormones—reveal the rich complexity of the era.

The collection also features a bonus essay on Sarah Cushing from The Adventure of the Cardboard Box, offering fresh insight into one of the most sinister characters in the Canon.

Whether examining automata, wax figures, or the legal definitions of murder and suicide, The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes provides a compelling lens through which readers gain a deeper understanding of the historical and social backdrop of the Holmes mysteries.

A must-read for Sherlockians, history enthusiasts, and anyone eager to uncover the hidden layers of Victorian England.

Amazon * Apple * B&NKobo * Books2Read * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DKMWQFW3

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-life-and-times-of-sherlock-holmes/id6737251368

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-life-and-times-of-sherlock-holmes-volume-5-liese-sherwood-fabre/1146455207?ean=2940186119128

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-life-and-times-of-sherlock-holmes-7

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/bPnVQd

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-life-and-times-of-sherlock-holmes-the-fifth-compelling-collection-of-essays-examining-the-familiar-and-the-obscure-in-sir-arthur-conan-doyle-s-original-essays-on-victorian-england-book-5-by-liese-sherwood-fabre

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/220690557-the-life-and-times-of-sherlock-holmes


The Sinister Side of Insurance

In The Sign of the Four, Holmes tells Watson that one should not be fooled by outward qualities.

As an example, he states, “The most winning woman I ever knew was hanged for poisoning three little children for their insurance money.” Insurance policies were quite popular in Victorian times, and, sadly, more than one insured person met their end under suspicious circumstances.

The sudden inheritance of a sum sometimes equivalent to a working man’s annual salary was a temptation some couldn’t resist. Two sisters went so far as to recruit other women in a sort of club to collect insurance benefits.

Ancient Romans were the first to create life insurance policies in the form of burial clubs. Burial was necessary because if the person wasn’t interred correctly, they were doomed to an afterlife as an unhappy ghost.

These burials, however, cost money, and Caius Marius organized his troops into clubs that pledged to pool resources to cover the cost of these rituals. Over time, the clubs included a sum of money provided to any of the deceased’s survivors.

This practice appeared again in the 1500s in London when Richard Martin bought a policy underwritten by 16 others for a man named William Gibbons. Martin collected £4800 for the premium of £384. This practice continued for the next 200 years until outlawed in 1774. 

By 1700, life insurance shifted from speculation on a particular person’s death to that of tontines. In this arrangement, individuals would pay each year into a common account, and those surviving until the end of the year would receive a payout based on the number surviving.

Over time, these groups would even invest funds to increase the pool. The Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office used this concept of a tontine to establish the first recognized life insurance company.

Founded by William Talbot, the Bishop of Oxford, and Sir Thomas Allen, 2nd Baronet, in 1706, the society began with 2000 members who paid a fixed amount per year for one to three shares. At the end of the year, the widows and children of any of the members who passed during the year received the deceased member’s portion.

Unfortunately, life insurance companies and practices faced little to no regulation on who could be insured. Fraud abounded in the industry with some being covered under numerous policies, and some of those insured (particularly children) murdered for the benefits.

While actual figures cannot be calculated, Renee Noffsinger examined reported homicide cases to estimate the vulnerability of children under 5 was at least 40 times greater than that for older children.

Master of the Art of Detection

A Collection of Sherlock Holmes Short Stories 

By Liese Sherwood-Fabre

Genre: Mystery 

Decipher. Deduce. Deliver.

Sherlock Holmes, the most cerebral of detectives, finds his deductive powers put to the test in this intriguing collection of cases.

Each adventure presents a web of secrets, clues, and deceptions. Only his highly honed observational skills lead him to the truth.

In a locked-room murder, did the victim succumb to “The Curse of Kisin?” And how had the daughter of Squire Northridge disappeared from her own locked bedroom?

Can Holmes, an ocean away, determine if a missing treasure hunter ran off with Jean Lafitte’s fabled buried plunder? The disappearance of a beloved dog is an adventure filled with whimsy and humor, as are the return of Lady Frances Carfax and the howling dog of Baker Street.

Holmes’ unrivaled deductive powers rise to the test with each case. He shines as the consummate master of the art of detection and will captivate from beginning to end.

Amazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo * Books2Read * Bookbub * Goodreads

Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Master-Art-Detection-Sherlock-Collection-ebook/dp/B0CW1J4DWB

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/master-of-the-art-of-detection/id6504698982

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/master-of-the-art-of-detection-liese-sherwood-fabre/1145861548?ean=2940185617205

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/master-of-the-art-of-dectection

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/mB1W1p

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/master-of-the-art-of-detection-by-liese-sherwood-fabre

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/215146483-master-of-the-art-of-detection

Excerpt from “The Adventure of Lafitte’s Missing Treasure”


Master of the Art of Detection

Sherlock Holmes receives a package with the following letter inside:

“My husband has always considered himself something of a historian but has limited himself to treasure hunting. He has become obsessed with the pirate Jean Lafitte, a privateer who operated first out of New Orleans and later, Galveston.

Talk of Lafitte’s missing treasure has been a matter of speculation for more than seventy years. The pirate established a base on Galveston Island in 1817 but was forced to leave in 1820 after attacking an American merchant vessel.

“Recently, a Mr. James Farthington approached my husband, stating he had found a letter written to one of Lafitte’s acquaintances detailing the location of a treasure buried on the island.

As proof, Lafitte included this coin for the friend. My husband agreed to finance the search in return for half the find.

“A week ago, George and Farthington set off for the island. There have been no storms or other occurrences that would explain his ship’s disappearance, and I, therefore, fear the worst.

Someone has heard of this discovery, and the expedition has fallen into nefarious hands and my husband is in grave peril.

“Given the distance, by the time you get this letter, another week will likely have passed. Please respond by telegram as soon as possible to let me know if you have any advice on how I might find George and the others.”

When I turned to the other piece of paper, I found the thin paper held a map. “It looks as if she included a copy of the directions Farthington shared with her husband.”

Holmes lowered the coin and returned to the desk, where he held out his hand. I placed the map into it, and he held it up to the light. “A very lightweight paper used for tracing.

She must have traced the original map to share a copy with me.” He faced me. “It seems we have a mystery on our hands, Watson. And one that may lead us to uncover the lost treasure of Jean Lafitte.” 

My interest was piqued. “Lost treasure? Sounds like something from a yellowback novel.”

Holmes waved a hand dismissively. “It is not a fairy tale, Watson. Jean Lafitte was a real pirate, and there have always been rumors of a treasure buried somewhere on Galveston Island. Many have searched for it over the years, but none have discovered its whereabouts.”

“So, you believe that this Farthington fellow may have discovered the location of the treasure, and now someone is after it and them?”

“It is a possibility, Watson. And one that we cannot ignore.”

“Then what do we do?”

“Send off some telegrams.”

About The Author

About the Author 

Liese Sherwood-Fabre is an award-winning author known for her meticulously researched works of historical fiction and mystery.

With a background in social sciences, she brings a unique depth to her characters and settings, particularly in her acclaimed series The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes, which explores Victorian England through the lens of the famous detective’s world.

Her essays delve into the cultural and historical intricacies of the era, uncovering hidden details that enhance her stories’ authenticity.

Her fiction weaves real historical events and social insights into suspenseful plots, creating immersive narratives that captivate fans of both history and mystery. 

An avid traveler and lifelong scholar, Dr. Sherwood-Fabre combines curiosity and expertise to craft stories that transport readers to fascinating past worlds filled with intrigue and insight.

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Author Links

Website: https://www.liesesherwoodfabre.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liese.sherwoodfabre

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liesesf/

Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@liesesherwoodfabre

Bluesky:  https://bsky.app/profile/liesefabre.bsky.social

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/liese-sherwood-fabre

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Liese-Sherwood-Fabre/author/B00810INE6

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5758587.Liese_Sherwood_Fabre

Infiniflash Fiction New Release


Have You Ever wondered…

What a date between Vex and Azure would look like?

How Lucien found Ebonara?

What Thane thought in her final moments as a mortal?

What happens at a Mer funeral?

What the cats in the series are really plotting?

Explore the world of Queens of Fantasy, its characters, magic, and history in more ways than ever before in this collection of over thirty-five flash fictions from author Kristy Nicolle.

It is advised you enjoy this book after reading the core Queens Of Fantasy Saga titles to avoid spoilers.


About The Author

Award-winning author of over a million published words, I’m currently working on a supersized series called The Kristy Nicolle Fantasy Infiniverse.

This enormous project captures an ever-growing magical universe that will span up to and beyond seventy published works where characters from across multiple storylines and dimensions can collide in the most magical and unexpected ways possible.

Why is the Infiniverse exciting for you as a reader?

When I was a kid, I loved stories. I still do, with some of my favourites being Harry Potter (Of Course), The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and Divergent. One of the things all these series have in common is that they construct entire worlds for the reader.

So, now it’s my turn to give my readers what i always craved.

What did I want, you ask?
I always wanted more.
More backstories, more insight, more details that made the world real. I wanted the story to go on forever, but with how publishing has worked for so long, there was always a limit to how much an author could do.

That limit is gone now, what with self-publishing putting the control completely in my hands, and it is my intention to create an ever-expanding fantasy universe where the reader gets a say in what stories are told, and which moments are further explored and elaborated.

Imagine if you could tell J.K Rowling which character’s backstory you wanted most, and then a few months later she actually gave it to you. Imagine if you could decide how much or how little of a fantasy world you explored, along with the author?

Well, that’s what I’m offering. In this new age of self-publishing, my options are pretty much infinite, which means that so are yours.

Ready to dive into my fantasy infiniverse that could span as much as one hundred stories?

Let’s see how rich, how large it can grow, and just how much readers can contribute to shaping my fantasy Infiniverse into somewhere they never want to leave.

After all, It was built with no-one but you, the reader for whom one story, one series, or one point of view is never enough, in mind.