By way of introduction to Ariel Bernstein, here is the bio from her Amazon page. It captured her personality so perfeclty; I had to use it.
Ariel Bernstein is a writer of picture books and chapter books. She lives in New Jersey with her family, many mismatched socks, and the occasional balloon.
I think it shows how witty and lighthearted she is. Someone like that makes the perfect children’s author.
Now that I’ve introduced you to Ariel, let’s get to know her a little better.

Ariel has a brand new book out.

Available on Amazon
- Age Range: 5 – 8 years
- Grade Level: Kindergarten – 3
- Series: Warren & Dragon (Book 4)
- Paperback: 112 pages
- Publisher: Puffin Books (June 25, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 978-0451481078
Warren and Dragon are setting out on their most unspooky, totally normal, not-scary-at-all adventure yet…their first sleepover!
Warren is a seven-year-old boy and Dragon is part stuffed animal, part fierce dragon, part best friend–depending on what part you believe most. And Michael is their new friend and next-door neighbor. When Michael invites them over to go “camping” in his basement, the dynamic duo don’t know whether they’re more excited or nervous about it. This is their very first sleepover. EVER. Sure, Michael promised there would be not one but two desserts to look forward to. But he also said he wants to swap–gulp–scary stories. Warren can think of nothing more embarrassing than calling his parents to pick him up early from a sleepover, but how is he supposed to fall asleep in a dark basement full of mysterious and unfamiliar noises?
Hello, Ariel, welcome to Angel Kiss Publications.
Thank you for having me.
What inspired you to be a writer?
I was inspired to write just by reading books that I loved. They made me want to create stories that would make others laugh and imagine things.
Is writing your full-time profession?
It is!
How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing off and on since high school. But in terms of children’s literature, about 5 years.

How many books have you written?
Too many to count! But in terms of books that have or will be published, the number is seven (so far).
Which genres do you write?
I write fictional stories, mostly with lots of humor.

What do you find most challenging writing for these genres?
Making sure that the reader will get my sense of humor! What seems obviously funny to me is not always apparent to someone else.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on more picture books and an early reader series.
Where do you find inspiration for your characters?
Honestly, inspiration can come anywhere at any time! Whenever I find something extra interesting, funny, scary, etc., it makes me wonder if there’s a story waiting to be told.

What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?
Getting to read my books to kids and seeing their reactions. I love to hear them laughing at the funny parts and answering all their questions.
What advice would you give to authors just starting out?
Find a great critique group who will give you honest, helpful feedback.

What message are you sharing in your books?
I try to make my messages subtle so the reader doesn’t feel like the story is weighed down by them. But usually they are about appreciating what you already have.
What are your favorite books/authors?
So many! My favorite picture book of all time is Maurice Sendak’s OUTSIDE OVER THERE. And I will always love Roald Dahl’s THE WITCHES, which is one of the books that inspired me to create my own stories.
For “grown-up” books, I enjoy short story collections by Kelly Link and Jhumpa Lahiri.
What are your favorite movies, TV shows?
I really enjoyed VEEP. For movies, I can watch MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS anytime and get pulled right back in.

When you’re not writing where can we find you?
Hanging out with my family.
A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie?
I haven’t written this yet, but it would be a scene on a beach where I am in the background, relaxing with a cool drink.
Obviously, I would have to spend a lot of time preparing for the role.

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do?
I suppose I’d ask if he needed a tissue and some water.
Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?
I do! On Facebook you can find me @ArielBBooks, and my website is: https://www.arielbernsteinbooks.com.
Where can we find your books?
You can find my books in libraries and bookstores (or requested if they are not there). Also, my books can be ordered through IndieBound, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.