Kimberly K. Fox has lived in many places and worked in many professions. After working as a cocktail waitress, a secretary, a territory sales manager and a model, she returned to her first love—writing.
Kimberly lives in Connecticut with her husband and son. She enjoys listening to music, meeting new people, and making new friends. She also has a special interest in helping those who suffer from autism.
Now that I’ve introduced you to Kimberly let’s get to know her a little better.
Hello, Kimberly, and welcome. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.
Thank you for having me.
What inspired you to be a writer?
I’ve been writing since I was a kid, ten or so. I just loved to read and starting to write was a natural extension of that.
Is writing your full-time profession?
Yes, I write full time. I’m currently writing my sixth novel.
How long have you been writing?
A loooong time!!
How many books have you written?
This is above. Five and working on number six.
Which genres do you write for?
I write all genres, most tend to have a touch of romance to them. I’ve written erotic, mainstream women’s lit, mystery/thriller and a historical/paranormal.
What do you find most challenging writing for these genres?
I like to challenge myself as a writer so I try to write different genres. I invent the characters and they help me write the story
What are you working on now?
Right now, I am writing a sequel to my mystery/thriller Shattered Star. A Los Angeles lieutenant is tracking a serial killer with a new partner assigned to him.
Where do you find inspiration for your characters?
Everywhere. Mostly though, in my imagination. I don’t base my characters on any real person, my characters are imaginary. I have a vivid imagination; I suppose most authors do!
What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?
I was at a book signing and a woman wasn’t sure if she wanted to read the novel. It was To Be A Star, which is mainstream women’s lit, but also romance.
She told me she didn’t “read” romances. In the end, she bought the book. She came to my signing the next day and asked if I could find her a “Taylor”, the hero in my book!
Someone else told me they stayed up all night reading Shattered Star. When you hear how much your writing is appreciated by others that is a wonderful feeling. Also, seeing my name on a book cover is such a thrill! I WROTE that!
What advice would you give to authors just starting out?
Network with other authors, both in person or on social media. Any really good author will be happy to give you tips. My most important tip: believe in yourself. That will come through in your writing. A strong “voice” is also important.
Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?
I am always available to be contacted, my links: www.kimberlykfox.com and
kkfox.net are two sites you can visit. My email is: kchinarose@aol.com.
What message are you sharing in your books?
No particular message since my books are all fiction. It’s relax and enjoy, escapism time!
What are your favorite books?
I love a good mystery novel. Dean Koontz is a good one. J.D. Robb Eve Dallas In Death Series are great reads. Love Stephanie Plum Novels by Janet Evanavach, to name just a few. Many, many more!
What are your favorite movies, TV shows?
I don’t really watch TV. I DO love movies! Any kind- a comedy, a romance, a thriller, a mystery/thriller, science fiction. Anything but gore. Some favs: While You Were Sleeping, Moonstruck, The Hunger Games Series, all Star Trek movies.
When you’re not writing where can we find you?
At home, taking care of family. Or nose buried in a book!
Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?
Yes, websites are listed above. I’m at wwwfacebook.comkimberlykfox@author.
Where can we find your books?
Anywhere books are sold! B&N, Amazon, Books A Million, Good Reads, any online retailer.
Photos and links can be found on my website! Thanks for having me so much!
Thank you, Kimberly, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck!