By way of introduction, here is D.A. Henneman’s Bio:
Careers for D.A. Henneman have run the gamut between Customer Service and Floral Design, but the one thing that she always comes back to are the stories that keep her up at night.
During a girl’s weekend, an idea for a series about 4 women with Elemental Powers was born. Infused with Fantasy, Romance, and the occasional Werewolf, her stories take the reader on a magical journey where things aren’t always as they seem.
Now that you’ve been introduced to D.A., let’s get to know her a little better.

Hello, D.A., welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.
Thank you for having me.

How and when did the writing bug ensnare you?
I have always had an active imagination, and have been writing since I was young, but it wasn’t until I went back to college (at an undisclosed age) that it came back into my life.

It was during a Creative Writing class that I blew the dust off of an old manuscript and started reworking the plot on a book that would eventually become Sea of Dreams. I haven’t looked back since. I plan to finish the fourth book of that series in 2020.
Is writing your full-time profession?
Not at the moment, although sometimes I wonder since I spend an equal amount of time building my author business as I do working my “real job.” I fit writing in between all the other things I need to accomplish in the day, but I always wish that I had more time to create. There isn’t enough time in the day to suit me.
How long have you been writing?
I started my first book over 20 years ago, and I didn’t start back into the writing habit until late 2013 when I started college. That book I started in my Creative Writing class was published in 2016. I have published a minimum of one book a year since then and hope to increase that in the years to come.

Have you won any literary awards?
Yes! I recently won the 2019 Best Indie Book Award in Romance for the third book in my series, Playing With Fire. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was when I received my award in the mail!
Playing With Fire was also a Finalist in the Golden Quill Through Desert Rose RWA.
Some of my other awards include:
2018 I Heart Indie for book cover and blurb
Finalist in the 2018 Best Book Awards in their New Age Category
Winds Of Change was a 2018 Finalist for the Golden Quill

How many published books have you written?
As of early 2020, I have published 4 books, and a novelette that is only available to my newsletter subscribers. The Jinni’s Wish is a story that takes place between my prequel, Twist of Fate, and the first book in the series, Sea of Dreams. Anyone interested in checking it out can follow this link: https://BookHip.com/TWLTXJ.

Which genres do you write?
The Power of Four Series is Fantasy/Paranormal Romance with a New Age flair. I’m working on a series that is a Cozy Paranormal Mystery.
What do you find most challenging writing for these genres?
For me, the most challenging thing is knowing where my book truly lands as far as a category. I have so much going on in them that it’s hard to pin them down to one genre. I also like that about them, as I love working surprise elements into my writing. I think it makes for a fun read.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on edits for my first book, while the final book in the series goes through my critique partners. I feel I can trim the first book down, and I want to be sure I do that before releasing the final book and offering a boxed set of the entire series.
I am also working on the second book in my Paranormal Mystery series and am in the query process with the first.
Where do you find inspiration for your characters?
Funny story, that. I was on a girl’s trip with my three friends, and we got on the topic of desired qualities in a mate. One thing led to another, and soon I was taking notes.
I based the stories I wrote around those initial character traits that we came up with and it grew into something that none of us could have ever imagined.
What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?
I have to say, someone I don’t know contacting me to tell me how much they love my stories is something that has been one of the most rewarding things that has ever happened to me. Each story includes a part of me and having someone connect to that is truly magical.
What advice would you give to authors just starting out?
To think of your finished body of work as your staff, not your babies. Now I get it, when you’re writing you are cutting open a vein and bleeding on the table, and that is where your head needs to be during the creative process.
But once the first draft is done, and you are asking for guidance, you need to leave your ego at the door. It is hard, especially with your first book, but I believe that hearing the hard stuff is the only way we learn and grow.
If you are in this for the long term, my best advice is to look at it as a business as quickly as possible.
Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?
I am a Breast Cancer Survivor, 8 years in May 2020! When diagnosed, the question I asked myself changed my life forever. It was what sent me back to college and ultimately brought writing back into my life. It is why my motto is “Embrace the Journey.”
What message are you sharing in your books?
The Power of Four Series has a lot of symbolism, and the primary message is that if we don’t take care of our planet, it won’t take care of us. It is all about balance, and that is what I try to keep in my mind as I work through my plots.
What are your favorite books?
I read it all! Paranormal, Fantasy and anything Mythology, greats like J.R. Ward, Nora Roberts, Mimi Jean Pamfiloff for Romance.
I recently finished Circe by Madeline Miller, which I loved! I also adore Stephen King, strange I know for a Romance Author, but he was my first love. My all-time favorite book by him is The Stand.

If you could create an author’s group with writers from any time period, who would you invite?
I am dabbling in Paranormal Mystery, so would love to pick Agatha Christie’s brain. I also am fascinated by her personal story and what was going through her head when she “disappeared.” That kind of stuff is fascinating!
Who has influenced your writing the most?
My critique partners have been the voice in my head as I edit every book I’ve written. They have helped to make me the writer I am today, and I am forever grateful to them.
I also get amazing support from the authors in Greater Detroit RWA, who are always willing to help no matter what part of the writing journey you are in. I’m so lucky I found these other writers and tapped into their expertise! It was a game-changer!
When you’re not writing, where can we find you?
I blog regularly, so you can always find me on my website at www.dahenneman.com.
I have a follow me link that lists all the social media platforms I am on, which you can reach at: https://dahenneman.com/welcome/how-about-a-follow/.
You can also follow me by subscribing to my newsletter at: https://BookHip.com/TWLTXJ. Remember, you get a free gift for signing up!
A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie?
I would LOVE to play Zilla, however, sadly I am a teeny bit older and not as well-endowed. So, I would happily stay in the background and help with the sets, making sure that they are as realistic as possible. I think set-design and makeup would be super fun!

An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing, and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do?
Ask him if he needs any allergy medication or chicken noodle soup and put him on the couch to rest. While he is there, I might have him do some of my social posts for me. It would be nice to have an assistant. ?
What are your most effective marketing strategies?
I’m only just getting me feet wet in the marketing end of things, but I’ve had some good luck with Kobo promotions and getting folks to leave reviews for the free books I give out.
I am expanding my newsletter list now and plan to dabble with Ads once I have a complete series developed. I have run a few Facebook Ads, but for visibility, not so much for sales.
Do you have a website/Facebook page, etc?
I do! You can find me at www.dahenneman.com and if you click on the Follow me page, you will find my social links.
Where can we find your books?
You can find me on
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/D-A-Henneman/e/B01BREUVTW
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/d.a.+henneman
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/sea-of-dreams-9
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/D_A_Henneman_Sea_of_Dreams?id=BOOEDwAAQBAJ
And reviews at Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/dahenneman
Thank you, D.A., for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success and lots of luck!

A frightening chain reaction begins during a four-alarm for firefighter Sera Cardoso. The tattoo decorating her chest warns her away from danger, but this time is different. Visions in the flames of a handsome stranger with whiskey-colored eyes haunt her. Later, when her punching bag smolders and the water in her shower turns to steam, Sera unwittingly breaches a divide between her world and a magical land called Wisteria.
Logan Blackwood is edgy and dangerously close to the end of his mating cycle. If he is unable to find his soul mate before three cycles of the moon, his life will be altered—forever. When the fiery Sera enters his life, he can hardly believe his luck. He’s waited a lifetime for her, but there’s a slight problem—she doesn’t seem to feel the same connection.
Sera is the element of Fire and is as hot and unpredictable as the flames she represents. Her decision to accept Logan into her life is the first of many she will need to face. With the help of the other elements, she is exposed to a world of magick and mystery. It will be up to Sera and her new friends to correct the imbalance in the elemental powers, before evil rules not only Wisteria, but earth itself.