GENRE: Family Fiction
Mila Winston aspires to earn a professional license to practice parenthood. It’s all she needs to start her family in the happiest micronation on Earth. Newcomers flock to Coolbeensia to fulfill their dreams of raising children here, where kids are guaranteed loving—as opposed to horrible—parents.
But mighty obstacles test Mila’s grit. Peter Losor, a chap with an annoying air of bravado, questionable parenting skills, and a defiant personality, stirs up trouble, eventually challenging the very law that defines Coolbeensia—that licensure is mandatory to enjoy the privilege of raising children.
Will Mila survive her trying ordeal and achieve her ambitions of being a licensed parent in the quirky yet revolutionary micronation? Find out in this satirical, contemporary family fiction novel that will leave you second-guessing the ideals surrounding the prestigious job of parenthood!

Mila ran to the side of the bed and plucked a glossy brochure off the nightstand. It had been folded and curled to reveal a particular page, as if waiting to be pointed out. “See?” She set her slender index finger on a small ad at the bottom of page nineteen. “I think we should move here.”
“Coolbeensia? Huh, an odd name.” Jason looked off into the distance. “But I think I’ve heard of it before. Isn’t that the place where you need a license to have children?”
Mila smiled, nodding emphatically. He’d heard of it, which eliminated the first hurdle and pushed them one step closer in the right direction. “Yep, it’s perfect.”
“How’re we going to get a license to raise a family?” His shoulders inched up. “It’s unheard of.”
“But brilliant.” Mila patted her husband on the arm. Naturally, he showed concern, as they’d discussed having children long before they officially tied the knot. Having a full house was important to them both. Children would complete their family, plus a furry pet or two, besides the giant stuffed bear.
“It’s no biggie. It’s just like earning a license to drive. You’ve done it before, and so have I. We’ll be assured that we’re surrounded by qualified parents who know how to keep their kids safe. Isn’t that like what a driver’s license is for?” She gazed at him, hoping her brief but logical answer would convince him.
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About The Author
Riya Aarini entered her small part of the world one summer day in the Pacific Northwest. She writes in an eclectic mix of genres, including humor and contemporary fiction. If you enjoy quirkiness with a pinch of whimsy, you’ll have an appetite for her books.
Author Website: http://www.riyapresents.com
Social Media:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/aarinibooks
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aarinibooks
Buy Links:
Book is available everywhere books are sold, including
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Licensed-Rear-Novel-Riya-Aarini-ebook/dp/B0DGFGDZYT
Author Interview

When did the writing bug ensnare you?
I’ve embraced writing since junior high. I loved piecing together words and presenting my ideas on paper. I studied English Literature in college and continued to write throughout my life.
Which genres do you write?
I write absurdist fiction, satire, and paranormal comedy.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on promoting Licensed to Rear: A Novel. It’s got a good message presented in a satirical manner, and I hope people read it.
Where do you find inspiration for your characters?
I find inspiration from my characters all over the place, from television sitcoms to movies to real life and inside my own head.
What spark started one of your stories?
Seeing all these news stories about kids being neglected or mistreated sparked the storyline in Licensed to Rear.
What is one of your favorite scenes that you’ve written? Why?
I really enjoyed writing the scene in Licensed to Rear where Mila and her husband Jason argued about the fifth amendment in the Coolbeensian Bill of Rights. I enjoyed the intellectual challenge of presenting both arguments.
Who is your favorite character that you’ve created? Why?
I liked creating Peter Losor in Licensed to Rear. He’s the typical obnoxious, irreverent guy out to make trouble, making him fun to write.
What are your favorite books?
I enjoy Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I’m reading the book right now and it’s filled with laughs and witticisms.

If you could create an author’s group with writers from any time period, who would you invite?
I’d invite Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley (the author of Frankenstein), Lord Byron, Mark Twain, and Edgar Allen Poe.
The firs three authors are from the Romantic period in England and the other two American authors are familiar household names.
I’d love to hear about Mary Shelley’s approach to conceptualizing and writing Frankenstein, which is considered the first science fiction novel.
When you’re not writing, where can we find you?
I’m on Instagram and Facebook: @aarinibooks