Christina Francine’s motto is, imagination is key. Not only for artists but for everyone. It’s the key to our survival.
As an author, teacher and researcher, Christina infuses her beliefs into everything she does and hopes that others will get the message she’s helping to spread:
Students are individuals who crave liberation from formulaic curriculums and standardized tests. Like every generation whose come before them, they need to broaden their minds through creativity, trial and error and investigation; not regurgitate pre-packaged lessons that lack spontaneity, originality and FUN!
Christina enjoys cultivating medicinal herbs and is an Adjunct English Instructor at The University at Buffalo.
Now that I have introduced you to Christina, let’s get to know her a little better.

Hello, Christina, welcome to Angel Kiss Publications. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview.
Thank you for having me.
Why did you become a teacher?
I’ve always felt a calling to make a difference and teaching allows me to do that every day.
What grade do you teach?
I teach a wide range of students from pre-k to college level, but mostly academic college writing.
How has your teaching experience influenced your writing?
Not only does teaching remind me of how difficult some things are to learn, but also that different people learn in different ways.
My daughters remind me I over explain sometimes, but it is because not everyone understands due to my style of teaching.
As a result, I often have to cut back after writing because I’ve put too much there, over explained. I’d say much of what I write is not only for young people, people but for those working with them.
I want people to understand and to remember how it is to be young and struggle. Many of my stories reflect this.
What inspired you to become a writer?
Since I was little, my imagination has been big, but I suppose the biggest jump into writing stories down was when my 4th grade teacher asked us to write a story.
That story turned out to be the one I revised recently about a talking pen. It’s a Reader, Level #3 story for beginning readers and it will be released sometime Fall 2019.
Imagination is also where invention lies, and the world has a lot of problems that imagination can solve.

Which genres do you write?
There are a few: Fantasy, Romance, and Mystery. And mainly for these audiences: Children & Young Adult (YA).
What do you find most challenging writing for your genre?
When I write, I get “into” my characters’ heads, and have to experience the pain, difficulties, and frustrations each goes through. Doing so makes the writing more authentic.
What are you working on now?
A fantasy novel meant for young adults about a dream keeper for Earth’s children who falls in love with a musician, even though she is not allowed a mate and jeopardizes her health and some of her young charges.
The story is under consideration by a big name publisher. I just completed another picture book and a mystery chapter book for middle grade.
How many books have you written?
I’ve written six and two will be released this fall. I’m hoping the fantasy is next.
There is a non-fiction work I’ve done a lot of research for. The Journal of Literacy Innovation, an academic journal, published in the Spring 2016.
The analysis on why students across the nation are at Basic level as opposed to Proficient or Advanced after examining the Nation’s Report Card.
The work argues writing is not where it could be nationally for a few reasons, the largest being a prompt for a right formula/answer as opposed to following individual voice. There is too much focus on state tests and not enough on imagination.
What has been your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?
Reading my work to children and watching their reaction. Them connecting play and imagination to invention.
What advice would you give to authors just starting out?
It’s been said often, but it’s true, don’t give up. Whatever you want, hang in there.
Find other writers who support your effort and understand what you’re trying to accomplish. Get feedback on what you write.
What message are you sharing in your books?
Everyone matters and has something to contribute.
When you’re not writing, where can we find you?
With family, gardening, or working on material for students.
What are your favorite books?
There are too many to name, but I do like to give these picture books at baby showers: Wherever You Are by Nancy Tillman and Love You Forever by Robert Munsch and Sheila MaGraw.
What are your favorite TV shows/movies?
TV shows:
I like sit-coms such as The Big Bang, Young Sheldon, and Everybody Loves Raymond because they make me laugh.
Lord of the Rings, The Matrix Series, Men In Black, City of Angels, You’ve Got Mail, and Somewhere In Time.
Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?
I believe individual learning style may solve world problems.
A movie producer wants to turn your book into a movie and you get to make a cameo. What would you do in the movie?
I’d be Emily’s kindergarten teacher in Special Memory on her first day of school.
An elf named 12-25 approaches you. He’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing and there’s a strange tattoo of a snoring dog on his cheek. What do you do?
I’d say “Bless you,” and hand him a couple of tissues.
Do you have a website/Facebook page?
Website: https://ChritinaFrancine.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChristinaKenni
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinafw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christina.francine.3
Where can we find your books?
Waldorf Publishing and later this fall most other outlets such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.
* Special Memory pre-orders available at:
Release date is Sept. 15th, 2019
⦁ Mr. Inker the Talking Pen Finds a Home (pre-orders coming soon). Keep checking Waldorf Publishing for now.
Thank you, Christina, for spending time with us and sharing your story. We wish you continued success with your work and lots of luck!